Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is one thing Einstein says about Zionism?
(a) That it is one small step towards integration with the Arabs to share the land.
(b) That it is an evil tyranny that is as bad as the situation the Jews left.
(c) That it must be not a political movement but a realization of the social ideal of the Bible.
(d) That its vision is dubious.

2. What does Einstein say the German people used to believe?
(a) That the people held the power, not the leaders.
(b) That God was just and treated all humans equally.
(c) The same ideals Einstein has worked for his entire life.
(d) That Europe was its friend.

3. What does Einstein think will restore the heart of the Jewish people?
(a) A homeland in Palestine.
(b) The Jewish people re-discovering their faith in God.
(c) Reparations from Germany.
(d) Apologies from all the nations who refused to admit Jewish refugees.

4. What do Faraday/Maxwell show exist in "free space"?
(a) Nothing.
(b) Quarks and waves.
(c) Waves and fields.
(d) Fields and quarks.

5. What does truth applied to science or religion convey?
(a) A higher truth.
(b) A lesser truth.
(c) Nothing clear.
(d) That there is no truth.

6. What does the the "Riemannian curvature" do?
(a) Defines the orbit of electrons.
(b) Shows how orbits are created.
(c) Links the theory with the facts of astronomy.
(d) Helps explain the shape of Earth and other planets.

7. What has revived the sense of community, saved many lives, and provided joyous and creative work?
(a) The hope of a future.
(b) Zionism.
(c) The United States opening their borders to Jewish emmigrants.
(d) The Jewish Ghettos.

8. What do the academies demand of Einstein?
(a) That he gives them reserach he conducted for them.
(b) That he forfeits his pay and retirement.
(c) That he says something good about the German people to the rest of the world.
(d) That he not work for any other country.

9. In what decade is Einstein writing his correspondence with the science academies?
(a) The 1950s.
(b) The 1930s.
(c) The 1940s.
(d) The 1920s.

10. How would you characterize Einstein's beliefs in this section of the book?
(a) Uncertain.
(b) Intimidating
(c) Strong and unwavering.
(d) Harsh.

11. What do friends and foes alike say the Jews represent?
(a) A group of people united by beliefs rather than genetics.
(b) A race whose behaviors are hereditary.
(c) A step forward in human evolution.
(d) The ideal to which other peoples should strive.

12. Why does Einstein put mathematics above other sciences?
(a) Because mathematics is the only true art.
(b) Because its propositions are beyond debate and not steadily evolving.
(c) Because mathematics is pure logic.
(d) Because he is in the final analysis a mathematician.

13. Where is the "A Reply to the Invitation to Participate in a Meeting against Anti-Semitism" being held?
(a) Italy.
(b) Switzerland.
(c) England.
(d) France.

14. Besides pure logical thinking what else is required to attain knowledge of the empirical world?
(a) Faith.
(b) Experiments.
(c) Experience.
(d) The right equipment to prove theories.

15. To whom do the scientific academies declare their loyalties?
(a) The truth.
(b) Scientific principles.
(c) Impartial research.
(d) The State.

Short Answer Questions

1. Of what is Einstein accused by several scientific communities?

2. At the time Einstein writes "Why Do They Hate the Jews?" what does Einstein say is alarming?

3. What is the "ether" idea invented by earlier scientists?

4. Concepts acquire content only when connected with what?

5. What is a second requirement for Einstein for living in a country?

(see the answer keys)

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