Ideas and Opinions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Ideas and Opinions Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 126 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Einstein characterize people who read only newspapers and modern literature?
(a) Wise.
(b) Mentally frail.
(c) Myopic and snobbish.
(d) Undereducated.

2. What could be organized to protect the world against nuclear power?
(a) A strong "supranational" organization,
(b) A defensive weapon that would render fusion or fission impossible.
(c) Instilling an abhorrence of war in humankind.
(d) Nothing.

3. What does Einstein encourage lesser scientists to do?
(a) To work alone and not waste the time of geniuses.
(b) To work diligently even if its on a very small discovery.
(c) To help those scientist on the edge of big break throughs.
(d) Not be isolationist.

4. What sort of life does Einstein believe is good for all human beings?
(a) Cluttered with stuff with which to amuse.
(b) Intensely focused.
(c) Full of change.
(d) Simple.

5. What is pacifism that fails to fight against armaments?
(a) Insane.
(b) Wise.
(c) Effective.
(d) Impotent.

6. How does Einstein characterize the House Un-American Activities Committee?
(a) As the lapdog of facism.
(b) As a group of men doing a necessary cleansing.
(c) As a modern inquisitional institution.
(d) With the highest respect.

7. Though the scientific method can teach how facts relate and condition one another, what can it not do?
(a) Teach compassion.
(b) Deduce the goal of human aspirations.
(c) Determine the existence of God.
(d) Determine absolute truth.

8. Once combat starts, what is meaningless?
(a) Armaments and rules for the conduct of war.
(b) Finger pointing.
(c) A peaceful resolution.
(d) Protection for civilians.

9. What makes life easier but also brings economic dangers that planning must address?
(a) Labor laws.
(b) Mass production.
(c) Science and technology.
(d) Labor unions.

10. Though one man choosing to be a conscientious objector would accomplish little, what would accomplish much?
(a) All the world leaders being "conscientious objectors."
(b) All women asking their husbands, brothers and father to choose not to fight.
(c) Fifty thousand conscientious objectors.
(d) Einstein is not sure.

11. Who does Einstein say are now the ones who advocate international thought?
(a) Pseudo-artists.
(b) Intellectuals.
(c) Communists.
(d) Politicians.

12. What will happen if the US, England, Germany, and France threaten to boycott Japan for its aggression in China?
(a) China will attack Europe.
(b) Japan will negotiate.
(c) Japan will yield.
(d) Japan will attack those countries.

13. Of what does Einstein warn Fascist nations?
(a) Being to provencial.
(b) Seeking to overpopulate.
(c) Having too much pride in genetic heritage.
(d) Seeking to dominate weaker neighbors.

14. When are people happiest?
(a) When pursuing what interests them.
(b) When making a contribution to self enlightenment.
(c) When launching an enterprise promoting life and culture.
(d) When in an accepting community.

15. What does Einstein say is very detrimental to the respect for the government?
(a) Restricting voting rights.
(b) Giving the vote to women.
(c) Engaging in unwinnable wars.
(d) Passing unenforceable laws.

Short Answer Questions

1. What has made international peace a matter of life and death and an ethical imperative for everyone?

2. What is one attribute of American research that is giving them an increasing edge in the development of technology over other countries?

3. How does a country enslave its citizens?

4. What does Einstein say about the League of Nations' Committee of Intellectual Cooperation?

5. What does Einstein admire about Mahatma Ghandi?

(see the answer keys)

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