An Ideal Husband Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

An Ideal Husband Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Act 3, Part 1, what does Sir Robert say is the greatest thing in the world?
(a) Love.
(b) Ambition.
(c) Power.
(d) Money.

2. How does Goring reply when Caversham asks why he doesn't try to do something useful in life?
(a) He just doesn't want to.
(b) Usefulness is dull.
(c) He says he's too young.
(d) He's already doing something useful.

3. To whom does Goring say "Fashion is what one wears oneself. What is unfashionable is what other people wear"?
(a) Mabel.
(b) Sir Robert.
(c) Mrs. Cheveley.
(d) Phipps.

4. At the end of Act 3, what does Mrs. Cheveley promise Goring?
(a) She will leave town and never return.
(b) She'll never ask him to marry her again.
(c) She'll destroy Sir Robert's letter.
(d) She will never try to harm Sir Robert again.

5. Why does Mabel want Lady Chiltern to talk to Tommy Trafford?
(a) He's very unhappy.
(b) He's making poor decisions.
(c) He keeps proposing to Mabel.
(d) She wants him to propose to her.

6. What reason does Mrs. Cheveley give for her passion for listening through keyholes?
(a) She once heard Goring confess his love for her through a keyhole.
(b) The best secrets occur behind closed doors.
(c) You can hear wonderful things through them.
(d) She makes her living by blackmailing others based on what she hears.

7. Sir Robert thinks Lady Chiltern might have been kinder to him if they had done what?
(a) Gone on a long vacation.
(b) Had children.
(c) Never married.
(d) Moved to the country.

8. According to Mabel, what does a man say to a girl before he marries her and never after?
(a) Tell me how you feel.
(b) I love you.
(c) What is your opinion?
(d) Please be serious.

9. Who does Mrs. Cheveley say talks more and says less than anybody she's ever met?
(a) Goring.
(b) Lady Markby.
(c) Mabel.
(d) Lady Chiltern.

10. What happens to alert Sir Robert to the presence of someone in the next room when he is at Goring's?
(a) Someone coughs.
(b) He hears laughing.
(c) A chair falls over.
(d) He hears a door close.

11. Why doesn't Mrs. Cheveley think life has taught Lady Chiltern anything?
(a) Lady Chiltern still looks very young.
(b) Lady Chiltern is ignorant.
(c) Lady Chiltern is a society lady.
(d) Because Lady Chiltern hasn't changed.

12. Who proposes to Mabel before Goring does so in Act 4?
(a) Caversham.
(b) Tommy Trafford.
(c) Lord Devonshire.
(d) Mason.

13. What does Mrs. Cheveley say one should never give a woman?
(a) Anything she cannot wear in the evening.
(b) Too much credit.
(c) Jewelry.
(d) Your heart.

14. Why does Lady Chiltern write a letter to Goring?
(a) She needs to meet with him.
(b) She is planning to leave Sir Robert and needs his help.
(c) She is too shy to talk to him.
(d) She is in love with him.

15. In Act 3, Part 2, when does Mrs. Cheveley say she wants Goring to promise to marry her?
(a) After Sir Robert's ruin.
(b) Immediately.
(c) Tomorrow.
(d) By week's end.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Mrs. Cheveley say she hates now more than ever in Act 3, Part 2?

2. How does Lord Goring find out about the speech Sir Robert gave in the House of Commons?

3. What does Lord Goring say he knows by observation and not by experience?

4. Why do Lady Markby and Mrs. Cheveley say they've come to call on Mrs. Chiltern in Act 2, Part 2?

5. How does Goring describe his proposal to Mabel?

(see the answer keys)

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