I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Final Test - Medium

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Final Test - Medium

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Cammie think is a bad idea though her mom gives permission?
(a) To go to town.
(b) To tell Bex about her father.
(c) To go to a dance at the local teen hangout.
(d) To go to a party at Josh's house.

2. Why can't Cammie see Josh the next night?
(a) She is completing a special electronics class.
(b) She and her mother always have dinner on the next night.
(c) She's afraid of being caught sneaking out of school so soon again.
(d) She has a covert ops assignment to complete.

3. What happens when Cammie and Bex are captured?
(a) Cammie tells Liz to cut the lights.
(b) Bex punches the captor and knocks him out.
(c) Cammie bites her captor.
(d) Mr. Solomon calls the exercise.

4. Who walks in that disconcerts Cammie?
(a) Her mom and Mr. Solomon.
(b) Bex and Liz.
(c) Macey and her parents.
(d) Mr. Solomon and Madam Dabney.

5. Who are DeeDee and Dillon?
(a) No one Josh knows very well.
(b) Two friends of Josh's who join Josh and Cammie at their table.
(c) Josh's cousin and his girlfriend.
(d) A couple who make snide remarks to Josh as they go sit at another table.

Short Answer Questions

1. What confuses Cammie about Josh's teasing?

2. What does Josh show Cammie as they are walking?

3. What does Cammie find confusing about Mr. Solomon in class that day?

4. What does Cammie fear about going out with her classmates?

5. What does Cammie feel about the "mission"?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Bex cover Cammie's mouth and what does Bex say they have to do and what is Cammie's response?

2. What happens when Josh sneaks up on Cammie and why does she overreact?

3. What happens that makes Cammie realize how close she has become to Macey?

4. What does Josh announce and why does Cammie have to protect him?

5. What happens when Cammie sees a strange look on Josh's face when she meets him for their movie date, and what does Cammie think to herself that she does not want to do?

6. Why do Bex, Liz and Macey decide to cover for Cammie at the career fair and how do they plan to do so?

7. Describe the interaction among Josh, Cammie, Dillon, and DeeDee at the hamburger joint.

8. Where does Josh take Cammie? Who is the first person they meet there?

9. What does Cammie say about herself when Josh asks?

10. What does Josh give Cammie at the gazebo before she goes back to the school?

(see the answer keys)

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