I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I'd Tell You I Love You, but Then I'd Have to Kill You Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Ally Carter
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 158 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why does Bex attack Macey?
(a) Macey insults Bex.
(b) Macey insults Liz.
(c) Macey insults the Headmistress.
(d) Macey insults the school.

2. Why does Bex's attention to Josh wane quickly?
(a) He gives them an insolent grin.
(b) He gives them the Gallagher glare.
(c) He makes an obscene gesture.
(d) He kisses a girl who runs up to him.

3. How does Cammie explain her presence by the video store?
(a) Fulfilling an assignment from one of her online classes.
(b) Waiting for her mother.
(c) Waiting for her older sister.
(d) Waiting for her best friend who is quite late.

4. Who raises their hand when Mr. Solomon asks who wants to be a spy?
(a) No one.
(b) Bex.
(c) Cammie and Bex.
(d) Liz and Macey.

5. Where does Cammie find Liz and Bex?
(a) Sitting on a bench being interrogated by Professor Smith.
(b) In line at the funnel cake kiosk.
(c) Talking to another student from the class.
(d) In line at the Ferris wheel.

6. Why is Professor Smith impressed?
(a) Cammie picked the bottle out of the trash without his noticing.
(b) He never saw Cammie.
(c) Bex and Liz even attempted to tail him.
(d) Mr. Solomon gave them such an easy assignment.

7. What class does Cammie begin the next afternoon?
(a) Electronics.
(b) Computer Technology.
(c) Gadgetry.
(d) Driver's Education.

8. How did Cammie feel when Josh called her just some girl?
(a) Hurt.
(b) Amused.
(c) Angry.
(d) Indifferent.

9. How is the girl who gets out of the limo dressed?
(a) Punk clothes.
(b) In a kung fu uniform.
(c) Like an outdoors girl.
(d) Very conservatively.

10. About what "operation" does Cammie think of for the next two weeks?
(a) Operation fool Mr. Solomon.
(b) Operation find her father.
(c) Operation sneak away.
(d) Operation Josh.

11. What ancestor of Macey's does Headmistress Morgan respect?
(a) Gilly McHenry.
(b) Mac Gallagher.
(c) Gilly Gallagher.
(d) Mac McHenry.

12. What do the students have to learn about Professor Smith?
(a) Color of his shower curtain.
(b) Soda brand he favors to drink with his funnel cake.
(c) His favorite restaurant.
(d) Last time he ate a hot dog.

13. When is the covert operations class meeting?
(a) At 7 p.m. on the night of the canceled day class.
(b) Over the upcoming weekend.
(c) At midnight on Mondays.
(d) At 10 p.m. on the night of the canceled day class.

14. How does Mr. Mosckowitz act when he sees Macey touring the school?
(a) Like a leech.
(b) Like a bumbler.
(c) Intolerant of students' mistakes.
(d) Like a drunk.

15. What happens just as Buckingham detains Cammie and Bex?
(a) Cammie's mother runs past them screaming.
(b) Solomon runs past them with a gun in his hand.

Short Answer Questions

1. For how long does Cammie sit on a bench?

2. What are two things that help create Cammie's "legend'?

3. Where is the Covert Operations class held?

4. What makes Bex think Josh might be trying to find Cammie?

5. Who is Joe Solomon?

(see the answer keys)

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