I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Claudius Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 118 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where is Germanicus sent after finishing his Consulship?
(a) Back to command the German frontier
(b) North to the Isle of Britain
(c) To the western province of France
(d) To oversee the eastern Roman Provinces

2. In a speech about Tiberius to the Senate, Caligula:
(a) Calls them cowards and traitors
(b) Pleads for forgiveness from Tiberius
(c) Declares Tiberius to be a God
(d) Executes a Senator for coughing

3. What book did Tiberius take with him?
(a) An encyclopedia of pornography
(b) A history of Augustus's reign
(c) Livia's book
(d) Ovid's

4. What does Livia tell Claudius about himself?
(a) That he is going to conquer Britain
(b) That he is going to kill Tiberius
(c) That he is going to avenge Caligula's death
(d) That he is going to become a God

5. What, according to Sejanus, is the Leek Green Party?
(a) A secret group of skilled assassins
(b) An event to which Tiberius was not invited
(c) Livia's network of senator's wives
(d) A political faction led by Agrippina

6. Where is Senator Gallus when the Roman Guards come to arrest him?
(a) Seeing Agrippina off at the harbor
(b) Eating dinner with Tiberius
(c) Just outside the Senate building
(d) Returning to Rome from his villa

7. What does Urgulania tell Claudius about her future?
(a) Her granddaughter will marry the emperor.
(b) She is going to marry a senator.
(c) She is due to die this year.
(d) She will see Claudius become emperor.

8. Who does Caligula marry Claudius to?
(a) Messalina
(b) Agrippinilla
(c) Ganymede
(d) Calpurnia

9. What does Antonia do after speaking to Caligula about Gemellus's death?
(a) Write to Claudius
(b) Speak to the Senate
(c) Sell her furniture
(d) Commit suicide

10. What did Caligula promise Cassius Chærea?
(a) To give him an appointment to the Senate
(b) To appoint him as Macro's replacement
(c) To allow him to retire with honors
(d) To send him back to Germany to fight

11. What does Claudius advise the old Sergeant to do?
(a) Keep his sword with him during Caligula's assembly
(b) Compliment Caligula as much as he possibly can
(c) Never turn his back on any of the German guards
(d) Leave the regiment and never look back again

12. What happened to Martina, the chief witness against Piso and Plancina?
(a) She killed herself in her cell.
(b) She was killed by agents of Sejanus.
(c) She was bribed to perjure herself.
(d) Livia sent her away to an island.

13. What thought does Claudius comfort himself with as he is made emperor?
(a) That he was able to save his wife and young son
(b) That Livia was right about him after all
(c) That people will finally want to read his books
(d) That he will be able to restore the Republic soon

14. Where did Tiberius live once he left Rome?
(a) In the city of Capua
(b) On the island of Capri
(c) In the town of Lyons
(d) In a villa in Pompeii

15. What does Claudius miss most when he is staying in Carthage?
(a) Trees
(b) Germanicus
(c) Calpurnia
(d) Playing dice

Short Answer Questions

1. Why is Piso sent to Syria?

2. How did Antonia die?

3. One of Caligula's first acts is to:

4. What does Castor promise Agrippina that he will do?

5. What were the spoils of Caligula's war on Neptune?

(see the answer keys)

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