Iceberg Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Iceberg Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 132 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is wrong with James Lillie?
(a) His shoulders and pelvis are broken.
(b) His femoral artery is cut.
(c) He has a skull fracture.
(d) He has four broken ribs and a headache.

2. Where does Kirsti take Pitt and Tidi?
(a) To the gardens.
(b) To the kitchen.
(c) To the study.
(d) To a bedroom upstairs.

3. What does Pitt realize James will use in his assassination efforts?
(a) The buildings in the boxes from the jet.
(b) Kirsti's probe.
(c) The secret army within the US army.
(d) Rondheim's money.

4. How did the worker cover himself?
(a) He told his boss verbally.
(b) He refused to disclose his name to the people with the jet.
(c) He left serial numbers on the plane in a hidden location.
(d) He filled out a report.

5. What does Pitt do at the beginning of the poetry reading?
(a) Falls asleep.
(b) Flirts with Kirsti.
(c) Whispers with Lillie.
(d) Laughs at Rondheim.

6. Why is Kelly going to assassinate some people?
(a) To get control of the gold in their countries.
(b) There's a bounty on them.
(c) He has had arguments with both of them.
(d) To take over control of those countries.

7. Who scratched his initials into the black jet?
(a) The owner of the jet.
(b) A mechanic.
(c) An employee of Rondheim's.
(d) An employee of Kirsti's.

8. What does Kippman tell Pitt and Sandecker?
(a) They entombed the Lax in the iceberg.
(b) They have been trying to get Pitt to work for them for years.
(c) Kirsti is going to destroy the Atlantic plates.
(d) Lillie works for him.

9. Why do people give Rondheim bits of poems?
(a) So he can tell them the author's name, date of birth and death.
(b) He claims to be able to recite any poem.
(c) So he can make a new poem from it.
(d) So he can tell them the author.

10. How does Pitt feel towards many of the people on the plane?
(a) He is disgusted by them.
(b) He admires them.
(c) He is indifferent.
(d) He is angry at them.

11. What does James Kelly say he will do?
(a) Start civil war in many countries.
(b) Destroy the United States.
(c) Kill the United States congress and senate.
(d) Take over South America.

12. What happens to Pitt right after the poetry reading?
(a) Kirsti takes him outside to talk to him.
(b) He returns to the motel.
(c) He is hit over the head and knocked unconscious.
(d) Someone puts a gun in his back.

13. What did the vehicle bring that Pitt requested?
(a) Some flare bombs.
(b) Supplies.
(c) Machine guns.
(d) A doctor.

14. What do Pitt and the crew of the vehicle do?
(a) Wait for the paramedics.
(b) Drop food and medicine in the ravine.
(c) Load the survivors.
(d) Start to build a path into the ravine.

15. Who is in Sandecker's office when Pitt arrives?
(a) The director of the NSA.
(b) A man who wants Pitt to help bring down Hermit Limited.
(c) Kirsti.
(d) Pitt's brother.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Pitt realize as he and Tidi mingle with the guests?

2. How does Pitt respond to Rondhiem's question from question # 113?

3. Who is the pilot of the vehicle that picks up Pitt?

4. What does Pitt realize as he talks to all the victims?

5. What is Pitt wearing to the party?

(see the answer keys)

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