Iberia: Spanish Travels and Reflections Test | Final Test - Easy

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Iberia: Spanish Travels and Reflections Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 98 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What illness plagued many members of Spanish royalty?
(a) birth defects
(b) cancer
(c) insanity
(d) hemophilia

2. The bulls run each day for:
(a) ten days
(b) one day
(c) five days
(d) seven days

3. The colors of the cape are:
(a) the colors of the bull ring
(b) magenta and yellow
(c) red and blue
(d) the colors of the matador

4. Michener had first visited Teruel:
(a) three years earlier
(b) in 1939
(c) during World War II
(d) 34 years earlier

5. Michener learns the book writers in Spain:
(a) have numerous best sellers
(b) could not earn enough to support themselves
(c) publish frequently
(d) become very wealthy

6. Teruel had been the site of:
(a) the end of the Spanish Civil War
(b) a big festival
(c) a major battle in the Spanish Civil War
(d) a major strike

7. Which of the following is a popular sport in Spain?
(a) La Crosse
(b) baseball
(c) cricket
(d) jai alai

8. The architecture of Northern Spain is:
(a) Visigothic
(b) Gothic
(c) Romanesque
(d) Moorish

9. The large pedestrian promenade with kiosks is:
(a) Plaza Mayor
(b) Las Ramblas
(c) El Penon
(d) Plaza Cathedral

10. Where did Isabel die?
(a) Tordesillas
(b) Salamanca
(c) Madrigal
(d) Madrid

11. What is significant about Estrella?
(a) there is a big bull ranch
(b) it is the only place in Spain where women can fight bulls
(c) they make a famous wine
(d) it is a major trading center

12. Michener found Madrid newspapers to:
(a) be very informational
(b) have many sales pages
(c) have little international news
(d) have little information on the politics in Spain

13. The patron saint of Spain is:
(a) St. Teresa
(b) St. James
(c) St. Juan
(d) St. Augustin

14. In a concurso:
(a) the bravest bull is awarded a prize by a panel of judges
(b) a team of matadors fights the bull
(c) the winning matador receives a plaq2ue
(d) spectators are allowed to fight the bull

15. The wealthiest shrine in Christendom is at:
(a) Grenada
(b) Fatima
(c) Lourdes
(d) Guadeloupe

Short Answer Questions

1. The Abraham Lincoln Brigade was composed of:

2. What is the major feast in Santiago de Compostella?

3. This pilgrimage across Spain is known as:

4. The river of Tudela, the Rio Ebro was:

5. What does Michener learn of the publishing business in Spain?

(see the answer keys)

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