I Am the Cheese Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am the Cheese Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 113 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The boy that is bothering Adam tries to take his ________ away from him, but Adam prevails.
(a) Package
(b) Coat
(c) Bike
(d) Hat

2. What kind of car blows its horn to distract the dog and to keep Adam from being harmed?
(a) Mazerati
(b) Porsche
(c) Saab
(d) Volkswagen

3. What person does the interrogator ask the boy about when they are sitting down for another interrogation?
(a) Andy Delmonte
(b) Paul Delmonte
(c) Allison Hertz
(d) Priscilla

4. What does Adam now wish he had used when he was back in Aswell at the rest stop?
(a) The bathroom
(b) The air pump
(c) The phone
(d) The shade

5. Adam begins to talk excitedly about the _________ man that is in his memory.
(a) Gray
(b) Orange
(c) Black
(d) Red

6. What does Adam focus his attention on finding as he is waiting to call his friend?
(a) His package
(b) Bathroom
(c) Weapons
(d) Food

7. Brint tells Adam to __________ and let the thoughts from his memory come, but this doesn't work.
(a) Tense
(b) Breathe
(c) Relax
(d) Walk

8. Adam recalls that Brint asked Adam about ______________ at the beginning.
(a) His mother's sister
(b) Mr. Gray
(c) His father
(d) Paul Delmonte

9. When the boy was a child, he was teased for having his stuffed animal - Pokey the ________.
(a) Snake
(b) Giraffe
(c) Pig
(d) Bear

10. Adam believes the dog's intention is to topple the bike, send it askew, and have him crash into the road, his _________.
(a) Enemy
(b) Friend
(c) Dinner
(d) Victim

11. Who comes to Adam's side when he is dealing with his anxiety attack of sorts?
(a) His mother
(b) Mr. Grey
(c) Brint
(d) Amy Hertz

12. Brint suggests to Adam that his ___________ has been lying to him all this time.
(a) Father
(b) Friend
(c) Cousin
(d) Sister

13. Cormier used a __________ morning exercise to spark his creative output, which led to the writing of this book.
(a) Saturday
(b) Friday
(c) Monday
(d) Sunday

14. Adam believes that this man is the only real __________ he has to the mystery in his mind.
(a) Blank
(b) Answer
(c) Puzzle
(d) Clue

15. What is the name the the old man gives to the hat the boy wears in remembrance of his father?
(a) Ball cap
(b) Took
(c) Mantle
(d) Fedora

Short Answer Questions

1. What do the old man at the rest stop and the boy look at when the boy stops in Aswell on his bike trip?

2. Who discusses the way the novel has been written in the Introduction of the book?

3. Where was Adam determined to prove that they lived, as his father told him this was the case?

4. What is Adam's dream in terms of the career path he wants to take?

5. Adam yells out that he is going __________, even though he answers himself that this is not going to happen.

(see the answer keys)

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