I Will Always Write Back Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Always Write Back Quiz | Eight Week Quiz F

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 6: "American Dream," Chapters 49-56.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How does Martin's mom's behavior change after she receives the gifts in the Christmas box?
(a) She stops working in the garden.
(b) She starts singing all the time.
(c) She invites friends into her home.
(d) She begins to study with Martin.

2. What does Martin say is a popular snack in Zimbabwe?
(a) Poached guinea eggs.
(b) Toasted ricecakes.
(c) Baked yams.
(d) Roasted mice.

3. What is the solution to getting money safely from Caitlin to Martin when Caitlin's parents begin to support Martin?
(a) Setting up a Paypal account.
(b) Using a Western Money Transfer account.
(c) Developing a special envelope with secret compartment.
(d) Putting funds in a pre-paid credit card.

4. Who is the first boyfriend that Caitlin mentions when she is in seventh grade?
(a) Drew Stone.
(b) Matt Johnson.
(c) Justin Cox.
(d) Austin Powell.

5. Who is Martin's older brother?
(a) Alois.
(b) Nation.
(c) Simba.
(d) George.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job does Caitlin take on in order to help pay for Martin's support?

2. What does Martin do with the first dollar bill that Caitlin sent to him?

3. When Martin returns from his winter break in Harare, what does he discover?

4. How many inches does Caitlin say she grew the summer of 1998?

5. How do Martin and his mother get to the bank after they received Caitlin's gift of money in May of 1999? (Chapter 16)

(see the answer key)

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