I Will Always Write Back Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Will Always Write Back Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Caitlin Alifirenka and Martin Ganda
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Part 3: "Generosity" - Chapters 18-21.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Martin find coming out of the communal faucet?
(a) A hiss of chemical steam.
(b) A slow trickle of black oil.
(c) A slow trickle of rusty red liquid.
(d) A gush of putrid water.

2. When Martin does not have any paper for his letter to Caitlin, what does he use to write on?
(a) A page from his school textbook.
(b) A colorful piece of gift wrap.
(c) An old piece of newspaper.
(d) A discarded ice cream wrapper.

3. Who is the first boyfriend that Caitlin mentions when she is in seventh grade?
(a) Drew Stone.
(b) Matt Johnson.
(c) Justin Cox.
(d) Austin Powell.

4. What procedure does Caitlin have done after Christmas?
(a) Ingrown toenails removed.
(b) Wisdom teeth pulled.
(c) Bunions removed.
(d) Teeth polished.

5. What does Martin tell Caitlin about monkeys?
(a) Monkeys are really nasty.
(b) Monkeys are rare in Mutare.
(c) Monkeys are red in color.
(d) Monkeys make great pets.

Short Answer Questions

1. What job does Caitlin perform during the summer after her seventh grade year?

2. What does Caitlin first send to Martin that he thinks is rare and expensive?

3. Martin needs a dollar to take an exam allowing him to move to the next grade. How does he get it?

4. Who is Alois' wife?

5. What does Martin do during his winter break in August of 1999?

(see the answer key)

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