I, Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Robot Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What is the population of the Eastern Region in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) 7,500,000.
(b) 4,000,000.
(c) 1,700,000,000.
(d) 500,000,000.

2. Dr. Calvin reveals that the man who Stephen Byerley hit in the crowd was what in “Evidence”?
(a) A Republican.
(b) A judge.
(c) A robot.
(d) A spy.

3. The Brain is described as being a globe that is how big?
(a) 6 feet.
(b) 2 inches.
(c) 2 feet.
(d) 3 feet.

4. What Director of Research does the Co-ordinator say he’s spoken to about the Machines in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) James Powell.
(b) Michael Ashe.
(c) Dr. Quinn.
(d) Vincent Silver.

5. What does the Co-ordinator say “reports an overproduction of twenty thousand long tons” in the beginning of “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) World Copper.
(b) World Silver.
(c) World Steel.
(d) World Gold.

6. Where does the Co-ordinator say the Hydroponics plant has been laying men off in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) Tientsin.
(b) Almaden.
(c) Singapore.
(d) Belaria.

7. What is the name of the elderly head of U.S. Robots in the novel?
(a) Ashe.
(b) Lanning.
(c) Quinn.
(d) Donovan.

8. The “Society for Humanity” is an outgrowth of what former organization in “The Evitable Conflict”?
(a) The Communists.
(b) The Fundamentalists.
(c) The Observers.
(d) The Proletariats.

9. The company that has propositioned U.S. Robot in “Escape!” has promised how much money to U.S. Robot if there is no solution to their problem but U.S. Robot can tell them the missing factors?
(a) $1,000,000.
(b) $400,000.
(c) $100,000.
(d) $200,000.

10. How many days have Donovan and Powell been on the ship when the encounter the interstellar jump in “Escape!”?
(a) 3 weeks.
(b) 1 year.
(c) 5 days.
(d) 10 days.

11. Bogert is the head of what department at U.S. Robots in the novel?
(a) Marketing.
(b) Customer Service.
(c) Manufacturing.
(d) Mathematics.

12. Ashe reveals to Calvin that he is preparing to do what in “Liar!”?
(a) Have a baby.
(b) Get married.
(c) Go to war.
(d) Quit his job.

13. The food supplies on the ship made by The Brain consist solely of what, in “Escape!”?
(a) Cereal and water.
(b) Tang and TV dinners.
(c) Milk and beans.
(d) Rice and Milk.

14. Bogert tells the military officer in “Little Lost Robot” that Dr. Calvin has what kind of tendencies?
(a) Suicidal.
(b) Alcoholic.
(c) Paranoid.
(d) Homicidal.

15. When did Stephen Byerley first enter public office, according to Dr. Calvin in “Evidence”?
(a) 2016.
(b) 1999.
(c) 2050.
(d) 2032.

Short Answer Questions

1. The personality instilled in The Brain is described as being like what?

2. What is the missing robot referred to as in “Little Lost Robot”?

3. What is The Brain’s answer when given the question: “If one and a half chickens lay one and a half eggs in one and a half days, how many eggs will nine chickens lay in nine days?”

4. What is initially offered as evidence to Dr. Lanning that Stephen Byerley is a robot in “Evidence”?

5. Who is the military officer in charge of the experiments in “Little Lost Robot”?

(see the answer keys)

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