I, Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Robot Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In the beginning of “Runaround,” Donovan informs Powell that Speedy has been gone for how many hours?
(a) 4.
(b) 3.
(c) 5.
(d) 8.

2. What is the model of the robot that Speedy is in “Runaround”?
(a) DV-5.
(b) SPD-13.
(c) SPD-2.
(d) SPP-11.

3. According to Donovan in “Runaround,” he sent Speedy to the nearest mining pool which was how many miles away from Donovan and Powell’s location in “Runaround”?
(a) 10.
(b) 5.
(c) 2.
(d) 17.

4. The subordinate robots in “Reason” believe that Cutie is what?
(a) A dog.
(b) A prophet.
(c) A human.
(d) God.

5. What does Donovan suggest putting on Cutie’s joints in order to short-circuit him in “Reason”?
(a) Sulfuric acid.
(b) Apple juice.
(c) Phosphate.
(d) Nitric acid.

6. What model robot is Cutie in “Reason”?
(a) SPD-13.
(b) QT-16.
(c) MPD-12.
(d) QT-1.

7. Gloria is playing what game with Robbie in the beginning of Chapter One, "Robbie”?
(a) Chutes and Ladders.
(b) Checkers.
(c) Hide and seek.
(d) Chess.

8. According to the narrator in “Reason,” there are strict laws against what on Earth?
(a) Robots.
(b) Atomic bombs.
(c) Illicit drugs.
(d) Nuclear power plants.

9. In what year did Susan Calvin obtain her bachelor’s degree, according to the narrator of the Introduction?
(a) 2010.
(b) 2003.
(c) 2009.
(d) 1995.

10. In what year did Susan Calvin earn her Ph.D., according to the narrator of the Introduction?
(a) 1995.
(b) 2005.
(c) 2008.
(d) 2003.

11. How much does Dave weight in “Catch That Rabbit”?
(a) 1 ton.
(b) 500 pounds.
(c) 2 tons.
(d) ½ ton.

12. Where did Susan Calvin obtain her bachelor’s degree, according to the narrator of the Introduction?
(a) Columbia University.
(b) Yale University.
(c) M.I.T.
(d) Harvard University.

13. What title did Susan Calvin hold at U.S. Robots, according to the narrator of the Introduction?
(a) “Robopsychologist.”
(b) “Director of Marketing.”
(c) “Roboanthropologist.”
(d) “President of Mathematics.”

14. What word from the Introduction refers to excessive growth or accumulation of any kind?
(a) Introphy.
(b) Hypertrophy.
(c) Interability.
(d) Mosterity.

15. According to Powell in “Catch That Rabbit,” if Powell and Donovan had what tester, they could check each individual item in Dave’s body within twenty-four to forty-eight hours?
(a) The Anderson-Williams tester.
(b) The McCormack-Wesley tester.
(c) The Smith-Bodyman tester.
(d) The McGuire-Jameson tester.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the character of Powell’s first name?

2. Cutie refers to what as “the Master” in “Reason”?

3. The narrator states in “Runaround” that it is one of Gregory Powell’s favorite platitudes that nothing is to be gained from what?

4. What is the name of Gloria’s mother in Chapter One, “Robbie”?

5. What city do Gloria’s parents take her to visit in Chapter One, “Robbie”?

(see the answer keys)

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