I Know This Much Is True Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wally Lamb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Know This Much Is True Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Wally Lamb
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 107 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. At sometime in the past, Dominick, Leo, and Ralph all did a ___________ together, according to the book.
(a) Bag job.
(b) Movie.
(c) Play.
(d) Book.

2. Dominick remembers how a professor once talked about how religion being the ___________ of the people.
(a) Opiate.
(b) Truth.
(c) Gospel.
(d) Blinders.

3. Who was the twin who cried so hard about the flying monkeys in "The Wizard of Oz" according to the story?
(a) Dominick.
(b) Thomas.
(c) Penny.
(d) Ralph.

4. Thomas buys a book on ___________ and makes his girlfriend read the stories to him while he pleasures himself.
(a) Cats.
(b) Martyrs.
(c) Wars.
(d) Frogs.

5. Dr. Judy Yup is willing to testify that ___________ is oppression when she sees the extent of Dominick's injuries.
(a) Anger.
(b) Oppression.
(c) Intention.
(d) Brutality.

6. ___________ had been Dominick's key, learned from Ray on the basketball court, according to Thomas.
(a) Defense.
(b) Jumping.
(c) Blocking.
(d) Offense.

7. Who does Dominick believe is simply weighing him down in his life, causing him to be stuck?
(a) Ray.
(b) Thomas.
(c) Ma.
(d) Himself.

8. Who also grows angry at the teacher that Ralph yells at, though this student does not say anything?
(a) Penny.
(b) Marie.
(c) Thomas.
(d) Dominick.

9. What is the language in which the life story of Papa is written, which is why the family never had it translated?
(a) Greek.
(b) Italian.
(c) French.
(d) Spanish.

10. The author spends a lot of time describing the __________ which took place as the children made their way on the field trip.
(a) Reading.
(b) Classroom lessons.
(c) Games.
(d) Bus ride.

11. Which of Dominick's lovers could be categorized as being shyer than another of Dominick's lovers?
(a) Joy.
(b) Dessa.
(c) Marie.
(d) Ignazia.

12. Who is the person that asks to be on Thomas' visitors list, which makes Dominick happy?
(a) Ray.
(b) Ma.
(c) Leo.
(d) Johnny.

13. Dominick recalls how Ma was waiting for ___________ to rescue them when the crazy man approached them on the bus.
(a) Jesus.
(b) Thomas.
(c) Dominick.
(d) Ray.

14. In this chapter, the law of the ____________ is discussed along with the psychology of sales.
(a) Jungle.
(b) Car.
(c) Business world.
(d) Playground.

15. What is the profession of Ralph Drinkwater at the Hatch Center, according to descriptions in the story?
(a) Principle.
(b) Student.
(c) Custodian.
(d) Researcher.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which friend is Dominick trying to please when he joins the gym where he eventually meets Joy?

2. Dominick talks about how rude he was to his mother when he was being fitted for ____________.

3. Who has moved up the evaluation of Thomas, which is why Dominick and Patel have to meet?

4. What religion does Ray convert to in order to seemingly try to get into heaven even while he abuses his stepsons?

5. Whose picture is the biggest in Ma and Ray's room, as Dominick notices when he's sitting there?

(see the answer keys)

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