I, Juan de Pareja Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth B. de Trevino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Juan de Pareja Test | Final Test - Easy

Elizabeth B. de Trevino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What happened to Mistress while Juan and Don Diego were in Italy?
(a) She broke her leg.
(b) She got sick.
(c) The house was robbed.
(d) She was heavily taxed.

2. How does the King feel about Juan?
(a) He is fond of him.
(b) He does not know him very well.
(c) He dislikes him.
(d) He looks down on him.

3. What does Murillo like to paint when he returns to Seville?
(a) Angels and Saints.
(b) Religious figures.
(c) Cathedrals.
(d) Poor people.

4. What was Don Diego surprised about when he saw Bartolomy's art?
(a) He does not need models.
(b) It is honest and real.
(c) He paint angels from live models.
(d) He has captivating light.

5. How does Don Diego save Juan from imprisonment?
(a) He frees him.
(b) He asks a favor of the King as a friend.
(c) He claims the painting as his own.
(d) He takes the punishment for himself.

6. How is Don Diego wounded on a ship?
(a) He gets a cut on his head.
(b) His finger is smashed.
(c) His ankle is broken.
(d) His hand gets scratched and infected.

7. Who cares for Don Diego while he has his fever?
(a) Paquita.
(b) The King's physician.
(c) Juan and Lolis.
(d) Dosa Juana.

8. What had Juan just painted when he talked to Bartolomy?
(a) His mother's face.
(b) A nude woman.
(c) A black Madonna.
(d) An African angel.

9. Why does Juan say he no longer takes Communion?
(a) His master asked him not to.
(b) He has not thought about it.
(c) He feels unworthy.
(d) He is guilty about his painting.

10. What sin does Bartolomy say Juan should confess?
(a) Lying to his mistress.
(b) Painting.
(c) Hiding his art.
(d) Stealing paints.

11. Why does the King ask Don Diego to design something for his sister's wedding?
(a) To cheer him up.
(b) To give him financial aid.
(c) To get the best for his sister.
(d) To distract him.

12. What does Juan's painting remind the King of?
(a) His merciful nature.
(b) When Juan cured his dog.
(c) His late daughter's laughter.
(d) Juan's first time at a banquet.

13. How long after Paquita's wedding does Don Diego go to Northern Spain?
(a) 9 months.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 3 months.

14. Where does Don Diego send most of his apprentices when they are done?
(a) Reubens.
(b) Don Medina.
(c) The palace.
(d) Bautista.

15. What is in the picture that Juan places for the King to see?
(a) His self portrait.
(b) The King's daughter.
(c) The black Madonna.
(d) The King's hunting dog.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who does Diego paint a picture of to practice for the big portrait he was sent to Italy for?

2. How does Don Diego sign his name?

3. How many rooms does Dosa Juana give Juan and Lolis when they are married?

4. What does Juan vow to do for Bartolomy?

5. What does Bartolomy say about the law against slaves painting?

(see the answer keys)

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