I, Juan de Pareja Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Elizabeth B. de Trevino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Juan de Pareja Quiz | Eight Week Quiz C

Elizabeth B. de Trevino
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6, In Which I Fall in Love.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Which of the following is NOT one of Juan's duties to help Diego?
(a) Clean paintbrushes.
(b) Prepare canvases.
(c) Grind colors.
(d) Model for portraits.

2. What does Don Dimas ask of Juan?
(a) If he is an orphan.
(b) If he needs food and lodging.
(c) If he belongs to the Carmelo.
(d) If he stole the bread off his window ledge.

3. What is the Carmelo's occupation?
(a) Gypsy.
(b) Messenger.
(c) Muleteer.
(d) Mover.

4. What is the palace studio like?
(a) Light and airy.
(b) Small and secluded.
(c) Dark and elaborate.
(d) Large and lonely.

5. How did Mistress feel about Master?
(a) She was hateful towards him.
(b) She was hardly aware of him.
(c) She was afraid of him.
(d) She was devoted to him.

Short Answer Questions

1. How long does Juan stay at the convent?

2. Why are the Franciscan brothers so poor?

3. What happened to Juan's earring?

4. What word does Juan use to describe the slave girl's face while she is singing?

5. What is the name of the dainty slave girl Juan admires?

(see the answer key)

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