I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Final Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Final Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. When an SS guard arrives at Augsburg, what happens to women's food?
(a) It stops being served.
(b) It becomes better.
(c) It remains unchanged.
(d) It is downgraded.

2. What convinces Elli of her father's death?
(a) Another prisoner's message.
(b) A guard.
(c) A dream.
(d) The sunset.

3. After Elli's last train ride under the German soldiers' control, who is there when the doors open?
(a) American soldiers.
(b) More German soldiers.
(c) Local townpeople.
(d) Josef Mengele.

4. At the Muhldorf train station, Elli and Laura lose sight of whom?
(a) The SS guards.
(b) Bubi.
(c) Aunt Celia.
(d) Each other.

5. What does Laura keep wrapped around her foot?
(a) A shoelace.
(b) A compress.
(c) A necklace.
(d) A kerchief.

6. When the women arrive in Augsburg, what do the SS guards immediately do?
(a) Leave.
(b) Force them to strip.
(c) Beat them.
(d) Give them bread.

7. When the women leave Plaszow, how do the guards force the inmates to travel?
(a) With new shoes.
(b) One hundred to a car.
(c) Without dinner.
(d) Nude.

8. As the women traveled, what makes them feel better?
(a) The cooling air temperature.
(b) Food.
(c) People cheering them on.
(d) Sleep.

9. In "Herr Zerkubel" how are the women sorted?
(a) By weight.
(b) By height.
(c) By age.
(d) By hair and eye color.

10. Where does Bubi receive permission to attend school after the war?
(a) New York.
(b) Chicago.
(c) Paris.
(d) Palestine.

11. What time do Elli and Laura take a daily lunch break?
(a) 11:00 a.m.
(b) Noon.
(c) They never receive a lunch break.
(d) 1:30 p.m.

12. What is Elli, Laura and Bubi's home like after the war?
(a) Completely torn down.
(b) Empty except for piles of human excrement.
(c) Exactly as they left it.
(d) Full of other people's belongings.

13. When an SS guard arrives at Augsburg, what do the military guards begin doing?
(a) Arguing with the SS guard.
(b) Carrying whips and avoiding the women.
(c) Keeping track of the SS guard's actions.
(d) Staying away from the SS guards.

14. What is discovered when the women arrive at Camp Landsberg?
(a) The women are too weak to work.
(b) Camp Landsberg is filled to capacity.
(c) Camp Landsberg is full of men.
(d) Too many women have died.

15. When do Elli, Laura, and Bubi begin making the trip home?
(a) June of 1945.
(b) Fall of 1945.
(c) 1944.
(d) Winter of 1946.

Short Answer Questions

1. When Elli arrives at Auschwitz the second time, what happens to the bed above Elli and Laura?

2. The women learn that the civilians killed earlier were part of ___________.

3. After the war, how does Laura earn money for food?

4. After discussing Elli's age, what does the local woman do as she leaves?

5. When the train from Muhldorf pulls into a station at noon, what is there?

(see the answer keys)

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