I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Have Lived a Thousand Years: Growing Up in the Holocaust Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Livia Bitton-Jackson
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Elli's father show her in the basement?
(a) Where to keep her poetry and money.
(b) Where he buried the family's valuable jewelry.
(c) Where he hid her yellow bicycle.
(d) Where to hide from soldiers.

2. Elli thinks her mother's favorite child is _______________.
(a) Jansci.
(b) Elli.
(c) Bubi.
(d) Somorja.

3. Who largely packs for Nagymagyar?
(a) Aunt Serena.
(b) Elli.
(c) Laura.
(d) Bubi.

4. How was food distributed at Auschwitz?
(a) A single portion to five people.
(b) At the prisoners' beds.
(c) Only in the morning.
(d) In brown bags.

5. After finding their cousins, where are Laura and Elli directed?
(a) To the infirmary.
(b) To the soup kitchen.
(c) To a "lake."
(d) To a "bed."

6. What do Elli and Laura first notice about "The Ghetto"?
(a) The place is empty except for guards.
(b) Hundreds of people are crammed into a small area.
(c) Everyone is crying.
(d) No one else obeys orders.

7. As a young girl screams, what do the female prisoners begin to smell?
(a) Dinner.
(b) Gas.
(c) Vomit.
(d) Rain.

8. What does the town crier announce concerning Jews and socialization?
(a) Jews are not allowed to look at anyone.
(b) Jews are not allowed to socialize at all with Christians.
(c) Jews are not allowed to speak to anyone.
(d) Jews are not allowed to talk about Christians.

9. How do many families cook in "The Ghetto"?
(a) In an oven.
(b) They did not cook.
(c) Over an open fire.
(d) With a grill.

10. How does Bubbi's father react when he sees the story later in the papers?
(a) He doesn't believe the paper.
(b) He considers going to Budapest in search of Bubi.
(c) He calls Bubi at school.
(d) He writes the paper a letter.

11. What place does Elli describe as "the most notorious forced labor camp in Poland"?
(a) Gross-Rosen.
(b) Plaszow.
(c) Ohrdruf.
(d) Soldau.

12. How far is Nagymagyar from Elli's home?
(a) A nautical mile.
(b) A hundred millimeters.
(c) Fourteen kilometers.
(d) Nine kilometers.

13. What purpose does the river in town often serve?
(a) Fish, for food.
(b) A tourist attraction.
(c) Watering herds of animals.
(d) Washing laundry.

14. At Auschwitz, what clothes do the women receive?
(a) Cotton shirts and pants.
(b) Their old clothing.
(c) Mismatched clothes from dead prisoners.
(d) Gray dresses and shoes.

15. After a guard takes the young girl during the riot, what do the females hear?
(a) A train pulling away.
(b) Guards yelling.
(c) A shot.
(d) Her tears.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why had the woman in charge of the barracks paid a horrible price for her survival?

2. What are Elli's family living quarters in "The Ghetto"?

3. What do Elli and her mother do with their first serving of food at Auschwitz?

4. As she leaves town, how does Elli ride?

5. Who is head of the barracks and inmates at Auschwitz?

(see the answer keys)

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