I Feel Bad About My Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Feel Bad About My Neck Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 131 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What did Nora never have while she was at the White House?
(a) A desk or typewriter.
(b) A chance to meet Jackie Kennedy.
(c) An office of her own.
(d) A decent cup of coffee.

2. What does Nora infuse throughout the chapter "What I Wish I'd Known" that makes it easy to read?
(a) Ambivalence.
(b) Gratitude.
(c) Self-deprecation.
(d) Humor.

3. When was the last time Nora was able to find cabbage strudel?
(a) 1985.
(b) 1982.
(c) 1987.
(d) 1984.

4. What does Nora cause the reader to think about as they read about where she lives?
(a) Where they want to live.
(b) Why they should live in New York.
(c) Where their friends live.
(d) Where they live themselves.

5. What does one want to have when they are younger and could really use?
(a) Ambition.
(b) Looks.
(c) Wisdom.
(d) Money.

6. Why can't Nora hear the question that JFK asks her directly?
(a) Because of the noise of the heliocopter.
(b) Because someone is talking over her.
(c) Because The Speaker of the House answers JFK first.
(d) Because Nora is too star struck.

7. What does Nora perceive the hunt to find cabbage strudel to be?
(a) A journey.
(b) A happy ending.
(c) A quest.
(d) A love affair.

8. What did Nora's mother die of?
(a) Cancer.
(b) Heart disease.
(c) An overdose of sleeping pills.
(d) Cirrhosis.

9. What political issue does Nora wish Bill would speak out against?
(a) The war.
(b) Civil rights.
(c) Global warming.
(d) Gay rights.

10. What does Nora say comes with age?
(a) Cleverness.
(b) Wisdom.
(c) Prosperity.
(d) Wealth.

11. Why is Nora so happy about the cabbage strudel?
(a) Because she found something she lost.
(b) Because it is such a satisfying accompaniment to soup.
(c) Because it is a perfect combination of flakes and vegetables.
(d) Because the strudel reminds her of home.

12. If Nora was propositioned by JFK, what is the one thing she would not have been able to do?
(a) Keep up personal appearances.
(b) Keep it a secret.
(c) Buy a new wardrobe.
(d) Wear perfect hair and makeup daily.

13. What does Nora say everyone experiences?
(a) Bad advice from well meaning people.
(b) Good advice that was not taken.
(c) A moment of clarity that they did not act on.
(d) Those moments where they wish they would have known something.

14. According to Nora, what keeps people going as they search for something they have lost?
(a) Regret.
(b) Pride.
(c) Hope.
(d) Remorse.

15. Which "Bill" is Nora referring to in the chapter "Me and Bill?"
(a) Bill Cosby.
(b) Bill Buckley.
(c) Bill Clinton.
(d) Bill Gates.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does Nora think the advice she gives might not be heard?

2. What can Nora find within a two block radius of her apartment?

3. What has happened in New York that does not detour Nora Ephron from living there?

4. What magazine article does Nora write when she realizes her life has changed and she is now a writer?

5. What leads to Nora's personal story of being an intern at the White House while JFK was President?

(see the answer keys)

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