I Dared to Call Him Father Test | Final Test - Medium

Bilquis Sheikh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Dared to Call Him Father Test | Final Test - Medium

Bilquis Sheikh
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where did Bilquis send the needy village woman?
(a) Home.
(b) To the clinic.
(c) To the hospital.
(d) To the store.

2. What kind of help did General Amar offer?
(a) As family, not as a friend.
(b) Personal, not professional.
(c) Professional, not personal.
(d) As a friend, not family.

3. What family member was first to visit Bilquis?
(a) Uncle Fateh.
(b) Aunt Amina.
(c) Karim.
(d) Tooni.

4. What did Bilquis' brother-in-law Jamil tell her she has gained for all her losses?
(a) Aggravation.
(b) Another religious point of view.
(c) The right to make a stand.
(d) Solitude.

5. What difference did the 1970 election make for Bilquis?
(a) She had been chosen for government responsibility.
(b) Her powerful friends were gone.
(c) Her family was no longer in government.
(d) Her friends had been elected to office.

Short Answer Questions

1. What sin was Bilquis determined to eradicate?

2. What did Marie Old teach Bilquis that those who love us will always do?

3. What surprised the villagers about Christ?

4. Three village children warned Mahmud about__________.

5. What did Synnove Mitchell tell Bilquis was happening to her?

Short Essay Questions

1. What situation did Bilquis allow to make the decision about whether to travel to Singapore?

2. What did Bilquis learn when the village woman did not return to thank her for her help?

3. Why did the idea of leaving Pakistan seem enormous to Bilquis?

4. How did Bilquis overcome the fear that confronted her as she arrived at the Olds' home?

5. Why did Bilquis decide to leave a day earlier than she had intended to?

6. What was wrong with Bilquis' plan to give a Christmas party for her Muslim and Christian friends?

7. What did Bilquis expect her relatives to do when they learned of her baptism?

8. Why did Bilquis say she felt "complete" even though she was leaving her home for an indefinite period and didn't know where she was going?

9. Why did Ken Old tell Bilquis that she had reason to rejoice even while she is sad at their departure?

10. What came as a threat to Bilquis' precious afternoon rest?

(see the answer keys)

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