I, Carmelita Tropicana: Performing Between Cultures Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Alina Troyano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I, Carmelita Tropicana: Performing Between Cultures Test | Mid-Book Test - Hard

Alina Troyano
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 111 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I, Carmelita Tropicana: Performing Between Cultures Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. The women wonder if Machito was bitten by which kind of fly?

2. In what year did the play debut?

3. The clones decide to explore which city?

4. What is Casa Marina?

5. By 9:20 AM the policeman is ready to do which of the following?

Short Essay Questions

1. Discuss the initial assassination attempt on Maldito's life. What happens? Who delivers the news to Carmelita?

2. Explain the roles of Carmelita and Machito as revolutionaries. What are their plans?

3. Who is Lota? What is her job? From which famous person is Lota descended?

4. What are some of the things Carmelita does in order to try to restore her memory?

5. Discuss the introduction of Cluna and Clana. Who are they? How are they related to Carmelita? What actions do they take to find Carmelita?

6. What is the DNA RA and BMU? What is its purpose?

7. What happens after Pingalito leaves the hospital? What do the doctors recommend? What is Carmelita's idea?

8. Explain the scene in Dr. Igor's lab. What are Dr. Igor's intentions and actions?

9. Explain the opening of Chicas 2000. What is the setting for the first scene? Who is in attendance at the time? Who gives a monologue? What is the topic?

10. Who is Desiree? Who is Rodesia? How do their characters affect Carmelita?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Carmelita and others were involved in various protests including the protest in front of the abortion clinic. Examine the various protests, their purposes, and outcome. Examine Carmelita's thoughts on the protests. Explain how Carmelita compared her actions to those of Rosa Parks and the Civil Rights movement in general. What effect did Carmelita and the others have on the various causes? Explain.

Essay Topic 2

Sor Juana: The Nightmare is a surreal piece about a 17th century Mexican nun. Examine Troyano's use of the nightmare in explaining Juana's talent, beliefs, and commitments. What is the purpose of the nightmare? How does the play fit in with Carmelita's story? Which parts, if any, of the nightmare were real? What do you think happened with Juana? What might have happened to the vicereine? Did their relationship continue? Was Juana's work ever published?

Essay Topic 3

Carmelita and Sophia are sisters. Although both women came from Cuba, they could not be more different from one another. Compare and contrast the sisters. Which is the eldest? Who is the most conservative? What are the main differences between the sisters? Who is the most successful? Which sister is the most influential? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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