I Am Number Four Test | Final Test - Easy

Pittacus Lore
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I Am Number Four Test | Final Test - Easy

Pittacus Lore
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 144 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Henri suggest Sarah and Mark do?
(a) Get home.
(b) Hide.
(c) Try to negotiate a safe exit.
(d) Stay with them.

2. Where has Sarah been helping to build a shelter?
(a) Nebraska.
(b) Kansas.
(c) Oklahoma.
(d) Colorado.

3. Why does John jump to the second story of the house?
(a) The bottom floor is all on fire.
(b) Part of the stairs are gone.
(c) He is in too big a hurry to use the steps.
(d) He thinks Sarah is on the other side of the ground floor and it's faster to go via the upstairs.

4. What happens as John is running away from a beast?
(a) A third dagger embeds itself in John's back.
(b) Sam kills the beast with a deer rifle.
(c) The school explodes.
(d) A helicopter hovers overhead and shoots the beast.

5. What is Sarah doing as John jumps out the window?
(a) Sobbing.
(b) Screaming.
(c) Being as still as possible.
(d) Kissing John.

6. What does John realize he cannot do?
(a) Leave without saying goodbye.
(b) Move again.
(c) Tell Mr. Harris the truth.
(d) Tell anymore lies.

7. How does John inadvertently give away his and Sarah's position?
(a) Unplugging the floor polisher.
(b) Unplugging the P.A. system.
(c) Breaking a window.
(d) Turning on the lights in the storeroom.

8. What two sounds are heard by John and the others?
(a) A curse and someone speaking Mogadorian.
(b) A gun blast and dog nails walking on the floor.
(c) A scream and a siren.
(d) A siren and a loud speaker.

9. Why does John think Sarah is at the back of the house?
(a) From the sounds of her voice.
(b) Another Legacy emerges which enables him to see through solids.
(c) He can sense the dogs.
(d) He can tell that's the only place left that is not on fire.

10. What did a girl in Argentina once save?
(a) An old man.
(b) A young child.
(c) A middle-aged woman.
(d) A baby.

11. Who are Dozer and Abby?
(a) A cat and a ferrett.
(b) Two of Sarah's friends from another school.
(c) Two cats.
(d) Two of Sarah's cousins.

12. What does John tell the dogs to do?
(a) Stay there.
(b) Nothing.
(c) Go into the woods as if they were not in the house.
(d) Go around to the front.

13. What do John and Sarah do most days?
(a) Talk on the phone.
(b) Take long walks.
(c) Write each other long emails.
(d) Go horseback riding.

14. What happens when the female Garde kills a Mogadorian scout?
(a) It hardens to rock.
(b) It turns into a lizard-like creature.
(c) Nothing; it dies and lies there.
(d) Its body turns to ash.

15. What tells John that the female garde is still alive?
(a) He sees a number of soldiers being killed by seemingly nothing.
(b) No ring appears on his ankle.
(c) A clap of thunder.
(d) A scream.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the female Garde tell John to do?

2. What does a soldier do to John?

3. What jumps out at the three when they arrive at the gym?

4. Where does Sam go for Christmas break?

5. Why does Henri curse?

(see the answer keys)

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