I Am My Own Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Doug Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am My Own Wife Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Doug Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
Buy the I Am My Own Wife Lesson Plans
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. How old is Charlotte as the play begins?
(a) 65.
(b) 44.
(c) 77.
(d) 31.

2. Charlotte gives tours of ________________.
(a) A museum.
(b) A winery.
(c) A hospital.
(d) A gallery.

3. Into what character does Charlotte abruptly transfer?
(a) Martin Marks.
(b) John Marks.
(c) Groucho Marks.
(d) John Marker.

4. Why does Dough say he is going to sell his car?
(a) He is out of grant money.
(b) He gets a new car as part of his job.
(c) He wants a newer model.
(d) He no longer needs a car.

5. Who invented the phonograph?
(a) John Glenn.
(b) Albert Einstein.
(c) Thomas Edison.
(d) Marie Curie.

Short Answer Questions

1. The book, DIE TRANSVESTITEN, discusses the balance of _________________________.

2. What is the topic of the scene titled "Vaterland"?

3. Which of the following miniature pieces does Charlotte not remove from the jewelry box?

4. Which of the following disappeared from gay society after the crumble of the Berlin wall?

5. John Marks writes to his friend, Doug, about events in which country?

Short Essay Questions

1. How is Charlotte described?

2. How does Charlotte come to kill her father?

3. What role does the book, DIE TRANSVESTITEN, play in Charlotte's life?

4. How does Doug gain Charlotte's approval to write her story?

5. What nuances does Charlotte relate to listening to different types of music on the phonograph?

6. What is the scene entitled "Translating Tante Luise" about?

7. How did Tante Luise scare Charlotte's father into leaving his family alone while at her home?

8. How is Charlotte spared being recruited into the SS army?

9. Who is Doug and what lengths has he gone to to interview Charlotte?

10. How does Charlotte explain the museum in "Das Gr'nderzeit Museum?"

(see the answer keys)

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