I Am My Own Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

Doug Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am My Own Wife Test | Final Test - Easy

Doug Wright
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 114 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Alfred tell Charlotte to tell the Stasi when they come for her?
(a) Alfred is on vacation.
(b) The clocks belong to the museum board.
(c) The clocks belong to Alfred.
(d) Alfred will be moving to America.

2. What is Dieter Jorgensen's decision about Charlotte?
(a) She is perfectly fine.
(b) She is mentally ill.
(c) She should be hospitalized.
(d) She is posing.

3. Charlotte tells the group of reporters a story about _____________.
(a) Herself.
(b) Her mother.
(c) Alfred.
(d) Her father.

4. Who did Charlotte claim to be in order to visit Alfred in prison?
(a) His daughter.
(b) His sister.
(c) His mother.
(d) His wife.

5. According to John, Charlotte's story ___________________.
(a) Is the makings of a bestseller.
(b) Is too sad to print.
(c) Is amazing.
(d) Is not true.

6. Who had Charlotte informed on?
(a) An antiques dealer.
(b) Her father.
(c) A former lover.
(d) An SS soldier.

7. What do Charlotte and Alfred both have a large collection of?
(a) Stamps.
(b) Figurines.
(c) Records.
(d) Bells.

8. Why does Charlotte want to move from Berlin?
(a) It is becoming too violent.
(b) The taxes are too high.
(c) The healthcare is atrocious.
(d) The people are hostile toward gays.

9. Why does Kaufmann believe Charlotte's medal should be taken away?
(a) Because she is a lesbian.
(b) Because she doesn't pay taxes.
(c) Because she is a transvestite.
(d) If anyone has suffered because of her cooperation with the Stasi.

10. What does Charlotte admit to coming close to destroying?
(a) Her business.
(b) Letters from Alfred.
(c) Her reputation.
(d) Her home.

11. What had Charlotte received in exchange for revealing information about Alfred?
(a) Gold.
(b) A passport.
(c) A mansion.
(d) Immunity.

12. What does Doug argue with John about in "Abdication"?
(a) What he is going to write.
(b) Who has rights to the story.
(c) Who is going to photograph Charlotte.
(d) Who will be in Charlotte's will.

13. Who is Josef R'diger?
(a) A former political prisoner.
(b) Charlotte's neighbor.
(c) The town mayor.
(d) The museum curator.

14. John tells Doug that Charlotte's story sounds like _____________________.
(a) A Cold War thriller.
(b) A romance novel.
(c) Fuel for her enemies.
(d) A pac of lies.

15. Doug tells John that they shouldn't rely on __________________.
(a) A Stasi file.
(b) Each other.
(c) Their friends.
(d) Idle gossip.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who follows the American soldiers who buy the clocks?

2. Which of the following is not an affliction from which Alfred suffers?

3. Doug recalls an interview in which he asked Charlotte what she did when an antique _________________________.

4. Why are Charlotte and Alfred's friends remaining silent during his incarceration?

5. Which of the following did Alfred not leave to Charlotte when he died?

(see the answer keys)

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