I Am Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am Legend Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 138 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Ruth reveal is her true purpose in coming to Robert?
(a) To kill him.
(b) To steal his secrets.
(c) To seduce him.
(d) To spy on him.

2. What happens to Robert as he watches Ben's execution?
(a) He feels as if Ben is finally free.
(b) He faints.
(c) He gets physically ill.
(d) His eyes fill with tears.

3. In Part III, Chapter 15, what has Robert gained?
(a) Weight.
(b) A new attitude.
(c) A new hobby.
(d) A new perspective.

4. What emotion does Robert feel for the vampires who don't belong to the new society?
(a) Sympathy.
(b) Sadness.
(c) Disinterest.
(d) Hatred.

5. In Part II, Chapter 14, Robert thinks that the people at the revival died with what in their hearts?
(a) Melancholy.
(b) Fear.
(c) Stakes.
(d) A blood clot.

Short Answer Questions

1. What process does Robert feel explains the vampire's coma in Part II, Chapter 11?

2. Ruth is a(n) ___________________.

3. In Part II, Chapter 14, Robert comes up with a psychological explanation as a new perspective on the way vampires act. To what does he compare this psychological explanation?

4. What does Robert notice Ruth is wearing as she sleeps?

5. Who does Ruth say killed her husband?

Short Essay Questions

1. In Part III, Chapter 19, what does the letter that Ruth wrote to Robert say?

2. What happens when Ruth finally lets Robert draw blood from her to test?

3. How does Ruth react to Robert accusing her of being a vampire?

4. Explain what happens between Robert and the dog in Part II, Chapter 13.

5. How has Robert's relationship with Ben Cortman changed from the days before the plague to their current relationship in Part III, Chapter 15?

6. Robert has decided to surrender to the new breed of vampires. What happens when he tries to do so?

7. In Part II, Chapter 11, how many types of vampires does Robert think there are? Describe the hypothesis Robert forms about these different types..

8. How does Robert meet Ruth in Part III, Chapter 15?

9. Why does Robert think that vampires have issues with crosses, mirrors, etc.?

10. Why does Robert acquire a microscope, and what does he see once he gets it to work?

(see the answer keys)

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