I Am David Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am David Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Anne Holm
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does David notice about the people in the first town he visits?
(a) They are all sad.
(b) They all seem happy.
(c) They are all afraid.
(d) They are all poor.

2. What does David tell the woman in town that she must do with her child?
(a) Kill him.
(b) Look after him.
(c) Punish him.
(d) Give him away.

3. What does David hear as he walks along the side of the road?
(a) A plane.
(b) A dog.
(c) An owl.
(d) A car.

4. What does the man in town give to David to eat?
(a) An orange.
(b) A loaf of bread.
(c) A banana.
(d) A steak.

5. What does David do when he realizes he has to leave?
(a) He smiles.
(b) He cries.
(c) He does nothing.
(d) He screams.

6. What does David ask God to let his rescue of the girl count for?
(a) The next request for help.
(b) Any request for help he asks for in the future.
(c) The next three requests for help.
(d) The next five requests for help.

7. What does David see at the end of Chapter One that makes him cry?
(a) A man and his father.
(b) A kitten.
(c) His mother.
(d) The beauty of the landscape.

8. What does David decide at the end of Chapter One?
(a) That he wants to be a sailor.
(b) That he wants to be caught.
(c) That he doesn't want to die.
(d) That he wants to die.

9. What does the substance in the bottle turn out to be?
(a) Wine.
(b) Whiskey.
(c) Coffee.
(d) Water.

10. What does David pick up, slightly damaged, after a woman drops it in the street?
(a) A mirror.
(b) A bottle.
(c) A wheel.
(d) A walking stick.

11. What does David see that will work for shelter for him?
(a) A tent.
(b) An abandoned house.
(c) A ravine.
(d) A cave.

12. What does David decide to do at the beginning of Chapter Three, in terms of travel?
(a) He decides to travel at night.
(b) He decides to change direction.
(c) He decides to travel during the day.
(d) He decides to stop traveling.

13. Why does David think Angelo is stupid?
(a) He is without a wife.
(b) He cannot think for himself.
(c) He is unintelligent.
(d) He is marrying for money.

14. What does David help the man find, that he has lost at the side of the road?
(a) A tire.
(b) Glasses.
(c) His flask.
(d) His wallet.

15. What does David fear is in the bundle left by the man?
(a) A gun.
(b) A bomb.
(c) A snake.
(d) A bullet.

Short Answer Questions

1. Why does David not wash in the fountains in town?

2. What is the problem with the car that stalls near David as he lay in the ditch?

3. What does David buy with his money?

4. What does David use to cross the ravine?

5. Why does David require help getting dressed?

(see the answer keys)

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