I Am Charlotte Simmons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am Charlotte Simmons Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 129 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. During their lunch together, what does Jojo ask Charlotte to do for him?
(a) Testify regarding his cheating.
(b) Write a paper for him.
(c) Go on a date.
(d) Tutor him.

2. By the end of the book, who is Charlotte's boyfriend?
(a) Vance.
(b) Hoyt.
(c) Adam.
(d) Jojo.

3. What does Adam state he was going by writing Jojo's paper?
(a) Avoiding being beat up.
(b) Doing what the athletic department told him to do.
(c) Cheating.
(d) Helping a friend.

4. At what hotel is the formal being held?
(a) Hyatt Ambassador.
(b) Hilton.
(c) Ritz Carlton.
(d) Holiday Inn.

5. What bank is at Dupont College on a recruiting trip?
(a) Union Bank.
(b) First National.
(c) Lockhead & Pierce.
(d) Pierce & Pierce.

6. How does Hoyt respond when Charlotte tell him she does not want to have sex with him?
(a) He calls her a tease.
(b) He says he wants to make love.
(c) He leaves.
(d) He refuses to stop.

7. What does Hoyt decide to do for the event he and his friends discuss?
(a) Invite Charlotte.
(b) Invite his parents.
(c) Pull a prank.
(d) Wear khaki shorts.

8. How does Charlotte feel about sitting at the head of the table?
(a) Mortified.
(b) Indifferent.
(c) Excited.
(d) Comfortable.

9. What is Charlotte losing in her pursuit of popularity?
(a) Her friends.
(b) Her self-esteem.
(c) Her family.
(d) Identity of intelligence.

10. How does Mr. Quat feel about Adam attending the Stand Up Straight for Gay Day?
(a) He is proud.
(b) He thinks Adam showed courage.
(c) He thinks Adam is a homosexual.
(d) He is disappointed.

11. What does Charlotte do when she thinks Hoyt is not paying her enough attention?
(a) Flirts with Vance.
(b) Goes to the bathroom and makes sure he sees her leave.
(c) Leaves the formal.
(d) Causes a scene at the table.

12. Who does Charlotte room with at the hotel?
(a) Hoyt, Vance, and Crissy.
(b) Nicole and Crissy.
(c) Hoyt, Julian, and Nicole.
(d) Only Hoyt.

13. What does Charlotte's family give her for Christmas?
(a) A computer.
(b) New clothes.
(c) A car.
(d) Money.

14. When Jojo asks a groupie named Marilyn why she dotes on the team members, what is her response?
(a) He is a star.
(b) She finds him attractive.
(c) She is looking for a good guy to marry.
(d) There is nothing else to do.

15. How does Charlotte feel about spending time with intellectuals?
(a) She enjoys it.
(b) She knows she is smarter than them.
(c) She finds it boring.
(d) She finds it embarrassing.

Short Answer Questions

1. What is the new angle Adam wants to take with the governor's story?

2. In Chapter 21, what is Hoyt concerned about regarding graduation and getting a job?

3. What does Adam tell Charlotte to try to make her feel better?

4. After reading the story, what does Hoyt feel about how others think about him?

5. During the Millennial Mutants meeting at Edgar's apartment, what word is the group dissecting?

(see the answer keys)

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