I Am a Girl From Africa Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

I Am a Girl From Africa Multiple Choice Test Questions

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 128 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Front Matter and Chapters 1 through 3

1. To which of the following is the memoir dedicated?
(a) Baba.
(b) Sam.
(c) Amai.
(d) Gogo.

2. To which of the following is the memoir dedicated?
(a) Zimbabwe.
(b) Kenya.
(c) Egypt.
(d) Africa.

3. Which of the following immediately precedes Chapter 1?
(a) “We desire to bequeath two things to our children: the first one is roots, the other one is wings.”
(b) “Do unto others what you would have done to you.”
(c) “If there is cause to hate someone, the cause to love has just begun.”
(d) “You cannot tell a hungry child that you gave them food yesterday.”

4. From which of the following does the comment come that precedes Chapter 1?
(a) Congo.
(b) Senegal.
(c) Sudan.
(d) ZImbabwe.

5. Chapter 1 opens with which of the following?
(a) “A surge of excitement courses through me.”
(b) “I climb the steep stairs.”
(c) “I climb the steep stairs.”
(d) “Deep in the African wilderness, rolling hills open onto a barren maize field.”

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