Hush, Hush Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hush, Hush Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Chauncey do at the opening of the story?
(a) Has an affair with a married woman.
(b) Leaves his girlfriend.
(c) Kills his girlfriend.
(d) Duels another man and kills him accidentally.

2. Where does Nora Gray attend school?
(a) Coldwater High School.
(b) University of Maine.
(c) Dartmouth University.
(d) University of Oregon.

3. Where is the setting in the present day?
(a) New Orleans, La.
(b) Salem, Or.
(c) Coldwater, Maine.
(d) Freeport, Maine.

4. What does Nora write on the first line of her essay about Patch?
(a) Rude.
(b) Jerk.
(c) Irritating.
(d) Handsome.

5. What does Patch offer to teach Nora?
(a) How to shoot pool.
(b) How to make deviled eggs.
(c) How to read minds.
(d) How to make tacos.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does Dorothea ask Nora about Nora's life?

2. What happens to Vee when she pretends to be Nora?

3. What is the year when the story opens?

4. Why does Vee give Nora a chastising look?

5. Who does Nora find in her PE class the next morning?

Short Essay Questions

1. Why does Patch take Nora home from the arcade?

2. What happens to Nora when she is driving home in Vee's car?

3. What happens when Nora and Patch get to her house?

4. Where does Nora go to school, what does she find in the biology class in the first chapter and who does she sit with in that class?

5. Who is the new person in Nora's PE class and what does he tell her and what does he do?

6. How does Nora feel when she gets off the Archangel, what does Patch ask her and what is her response?

7. What is Nora doing the next day in biology when coach is talking and what is she thinking about?

8. Why does Nora leave the others, how does she feel when she goes outside and what do she and Patch do?

9. What does Patch do when coach asks him what he looks for in a potential mate and what does Nora do after class?

10. What does Nora tell Elliot not to do and what does she do about Patch at the arcade?

(see the answer keys)

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