Hush, Hush Test | Final Test - Easy

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hush, Hush Test | Final Test - Easy

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who is Dabria?
(a) Patch's mentor.
(b) A vampire.
(c) Another fallen angel.
(d) Miss Greene.

2. What is Nora surprised to learn as she and Vee are headed for dinner?
(a) Coach suggested they do this.
(b) Two other female friends from school are joining them.
(c) Elliot and Jules are joining them.
(d) Patch and Jules are joining them.

3. What do Vee and Nora make plans to do regarding Patch?
(a) Report him to the guidance counselor.
(b) Spy on him.
(c) Get help to deal with him.
(d) Ignore him.

4. Who wants to see Patch in Nora's vision?
(a) Jules.
(b) Chauncey.
(c) Miss Greene.
(d) Elliot.

5. What does Vee say about Patch to show her concern?
(a) Something about him isn't normal.
(b) He is always around Nora.
(c) He is never anywhere but school.
(d) He has no irises.

6. What does Nora bring up about Jules?
(a) About his supposedly being ill every time they get together..
(b) His strange tattoo.
(c) His way of looking through her when talking.
(d) His strange teeth.

7. What does Nora see in the mirror?
(a) Nothing.
(b) A man in a black ski mask.
(c) A person who seems almost like a ghost.
(d) A note.

8. What does Nora tell her mother when she asks about Elliot?
(a) Nora changes the subject.
(b) Nora tells her mother the truth.
(c) Nora tells her mother that Elliot is new to school.
(d) Nora makes up a story.

9. For what street is Nora searching?
(a) Jones.
(b) Highsmith.
(c) Main.
(d) Broadway.

10. Who gives Nora a ride home?
(a) Patch.
(b) Vee.
(c) Elliot.
(d) Dorothea.

11. Why is Nora's night disturbing?
(a) It is too hot in her room because the air conditioner is broken.
(b) An owl keeps hooting outside her window.
(c) It is filled with mysterious noises.
(d) It is too cold in her room because the furnace is broken.

12. What does Nora find when she gets up to her room?
(a) Her mother must have straightened it.
(b) It's been ransacked.
(c) The bed is made and her dirty clothes off the floor.
(d) A new computer on her bed.

13. How long does Blythe say she'll give their current situation?
(a) 3 months.
(b) 6 months.
(c) 1 year.
(d) 1 month.

14. What does Blythe tell Nora about the house?
(a) It is falling down around them.
(b) It needs to be renovated.
(c) The rent contract is not being renewed.
(d) It is too expensive for the upkeep.

15. What does Vee say in a text to Nora?
(a) She wants to come over to Nora's house.
(b) She is at the Arcade and sees Patch.
(c) She is at a party with Elliot and Jules.
(d) She is sick.

Short Answer Questions

1. What had Nora imagined that had scared her?

2. Who is the guy in the ski mask in Vee's nightmares?

3. What does Nora want to do that Vee refuses?

4. What is Vee's response when Nora says she thinks Elliot is guilty of murder?

5. Where is Vee when Nora texts her?

(see the answer keys)

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