Hush, Hush Multiple Choice Test Questions

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hush, Hush Multiple Choice Test Questions

Becca Fitzpatrick
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 133 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Prologue: 1-5

1. Where is the opening of the story set?
(a) Death Valley.
(b) Surrey.
(c) The Loire Valley.
(d) Lourden.

2. What is the year when the story opens?
(a) 1700.
(b) 1565.
(c) 1450.
(d) 1664.

3. What does Chauncey do at the opening of the story?
(a) Leaves his girlfriend.
(b) Kills his girlfriend.
(c) Duels another man and kills him accidentally.
(d) Has an affair with a married woman.

4. Why does Chauncey give away a silver buckle from his shoe?
(a) He throws it in the river.
(b) He gives it to a begger.
(c) He gives it to his brother to pay gambling debts.
(d) He gives it to the girlfriend he leaves.

5. Why does Chauncey not mind the dark night?
(a) He knows his way around the grounds.
(b) He wants to hide from his brother.
(c) He is angry.
(d) He is sad.

6. What does the boy who approaches Chauncey claim?
(a) The boy is Chauncey's nephew.
(b) The boy is Chauncey's son.
(c) The boy is of the Devil's brood.
(d) The boy has something that belongs to Chauncey.

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