Hurricane Season Short Essay - Answer Key

Fernanda Melchor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hurricane Season Short Essay - Answer Key

Fernanda Melchor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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1. In what way does the theme of appearance versus reality arise within the epigraph section of Hurricane Season?

Fernanda Melchor includes an excerpt of W.B.Yeats's poem "Easter, 1916" as the first quote within the epigraph section of the novel Hurricane Season. The lines Melchor chooses to include make it clear that transformation and mutability will be featured as major themes within the coming work. Yeats wrote, "He, too, has been changed in his turn,/Transformed utterly:/A terrible beauty is born" (5).

2. How does Melchor create a feeling of suspense within the reading audience in the novel's first brief chapter?

Melchor employs an impressive array of sensory details within the novel's brief opening chapter. Though it is clear from the beginning of the chapter that the group featured at its center is made up of four quite young boys, Melchor instills the scene with an eerie sense of danger and menace with her skillful word choice and cadence. Even the youngest of the boys is portrayed as being ready to attack at any moment, "the elastic of his slingshot pulled taut in his hands, the rock snug in the leather pad, primed to strike anything that got in his way at the very first sign of an ambush" (8).

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