Hurricane Season Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Fernanda Melchor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hurricane Season Quiz | Eight Week Quiz A

Fernanda Melchor
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 164 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapters I and II.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The vigil held for Manolo takes place in what type of location?
(a) A cemetery.
(b) A hospital.
(c) A meeting hall.
(d) A sugar cane field.

2. What cause did the coroner name in his report about Manolo's death?
(a) Heart attack.
(b) Influenza.
(c) Stroke.
(d) Poison.

3. Most of the women who visited the Witch's mother on one particular day of the week covered their faces with what objects as they approached the Witch's house?
(a) A newspaper.
(b) A fan.
(c) A parasol.
(d) A shawl.

4. The narrator states that the Witch had never asked greater than what price for performing her conjuring skills?
(a) A handful of nuts.
(b) Some company.
(c) 100 pesos.
(d) A ream of paper.

5. The Witch at the center of the narrative died when she sustained what type of injury?
(a) A drowning.
(b) A throat slashing.
(c) A hanging.
(d) A stabbing.

Short Answer Questions

1. The adult sons of the Witch's late longtime lover blame their father's death on what cause?

2. The poem included in the epigraph section of Hurricane Season entitled "Easter, 1916" was written by which poet?

3. The boys featured in Chapter I see a corpse floating in which type of body of water?

4. The Witch's mother was rumored to have killed which member of her immediate family?

5. Which types of creatures are swarming over the corpse's face, according to the narrator of Chapter I?

(see the answer key)

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