Hunting by Stars Test | Final Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hunting by Stars Test | Final Test - Easy

Cherie Dimaline
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 161 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What plastic figurine does French show Mitch in Chapter 26?
(a) Spider.
(b) Lion.
(c) Tiger.
(d) Green army man.

2. In Chapter 29, what is French eating with the group when Miig will not eat or tell Story?
(a) Broth.
(b) Squirrel.
(c) Herbs in water.
(d) Watery rice.

3. In Chapter 26, what does French remember Mitch had to eat before the Recruiters came?
(a) Granola bar.
(b) Package of cheese.
(c) Bag of chips.
(d) Candy bar.

4. In Chapter 21, when do French and his group reach the rendezvous point?
(a) An hour after dawn.
(b) An hour before dawn.
(c) Two hours after dawn.
(d) Two hours before dawn.

5. Where did Rose hide when the Recruiters took her parent away?
(a) Tree.
(b) Grandmother's backyard.
(c) Park.
(d) Neighbor's house.

6. In Chapter 23, what is found in French's room?
(a) Notes.
(b) Pen.
(c) Books.
(d) Pencil.

7. When does French start getting letters during his deliveries to the isolation ward after he is put on kitchen duty?
(a) 15 days.
(b) 4 days.
(c) 8 days.
(d) 11 days.

8. Where does French remember that Minerva was when the Recruiters took her?
(a) Old barn.
(b) Shed.
(c) Cave.
(d) Old house.

9. In Chapter 24, how close is French and another Agent to be dropped within French's group's current location?
(a) 9 miles.
(b) 7 miles.
(c) 6 miles.
(d) 10 miles.

10. In Chapter 26 after a debriefing, what time does Agent Mellin tell French and the others to reconvene after breakfast?
(a) 11 a.m.
(b) 9:30 a.m.
(c) 10 a.m.
(d) 10:30 a.m.

11. In Chapter 28, when Rose and Derrick head back to the resistance camp, how long does it take before they see the first syllabics telling them the camp is close?
(a) 2 weeks.
(b) A week.
(c) 3 days.
(d) Days.

12. In Chapter 27, who is cooking when French finds his group?
(a) Theo.
(b) Miig.
(c) Rania.
(d) Wab.

13. What is the Chief's name?
(a) Peter Morrison.
(b) David Williams.
(c) Henry Williams.
(d) Clay Davidson.

14. In Chapter 25, how much time does the male target give the others to break camp?
(a) 10 minutes.
(b) 5 minutes.
(c) 8 minutes.
(d) 3 minutes.

15. What does Nam give Rose to help her get her strength back?
(a) Cobalamin and iron.
(b) Copper and iron.
(c) Iron and Vitamin B-12.
(d) Riboflavin and iron.

Short Answer Questions

1. What color dress is Therese hanging on a line in Chapter 25?

2. When does Chapter 32 take place?

3. What is the date of the founding of the MOMS group?

4. In Chapter 25, how old are the targets French is supposed to ring in?

5. How long does Miig tell French that it has been since Rose left Derrick in Chapter 27?

(see the answer keys)

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