A Hunger Artist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

A Hunger Artist Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 125 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. "The pampered hunger artist suddenly found himself deserted one day by the _____________."
(a) Butchers.
(b) Musicians.
(c) Amusement seekers.
(d) Impresario.

2. How does the impresario feel about his method of punishments?
(a) He enjoys it.
(b) He hates it.
(c) He feels obligated.
(d) He longs for it.

3. "Those, whom nothing could have prevented from stopping to look at him ________, raced past with long strides."
(a) For their children's sake.
(b) For the artist's sake.
(c) If they so wanted.
(d) As long as they had breath.

4. Time and time again in good faith the artist stands by the bars doing what?
(a) Listening to the impresario.
(b) Feeling in agony.
(c) Crying like a child.
(d) Screaming madly.

5. "At first he could hardly wait for the _____; it was exhilarating to watch the crowds come streaming his way."
(a) Intervals.
(b) Storm.
(c) Rush hour.
(d) Stampede.

6. What sight of the crowds remain the best to the artist at the circus?
(a) The sight of their tears.
(b) The sight of them peering close.
(c) The sight as they left.
(d) The first sight in the distance.

7. Who can hardly understand the artist's temperament, according to the impresario?
(a) Animals.
(b) Women.
(c) The impresario.
(d) Well-fed people.

8. Everywhere, "as if by secret agreement, a positive ______ from professional fasting was in evidence."
(a) Revulsion.
(b) Distaste.
(c) Interest.
(d) Propulsion.

9. What literary device is used in this sentence: "He was at once deafened by the storm of shouting."
(a) Irony.
(b) Foreshadowing.
(c) Symbolism.
(d) Metaphor.

10. When the hordes came pouring out to see the _____, they can hardly avoid passing the artist's cage.
(a) Animals.
(b) Monkeys.
(c) Clowns.
(d) Parachutists.

11. Who takes leave of the impresario?
(a) The midwife.
(b) The musician.
(c) The beggar.
(d) The hunger artist.

12. To fight against this lack of understanding to the audience and others is what?
(a) Engaging.
(b) Enraging.
(c) Impossible.
(d) Insatiable.

13. Where, in regard to the ring, is the artist stationed?
(a) Outside.
(b) In the middle.
(c) Front and center.
(d) Behind.

14. What do the audiences do once the artist collapses into the straw with a groan?
(a) Applaud.
(b) Weep loudly.
(c) Press close to gaze at him.
(d) Run away.

15. People might have stayed longer at the artist's cage at the circus but for what?
(a) The money necessary.
(b) The lack of a manager.
(c) The crowds on the gangway.
(d) The screaming of the children.

Short Answer Questions

1. What does the impresario bring out to show the audience?

2. What does the impresario sell to the audience?

3. What is the rare stroke of luck the artist encounters at the circus?

4. From what day of the fast are the photographs taken?

5. What, in his zeal, does the hunger artist conveniently forget in talking to the circus professionals?

(see the answer keys)

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