Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body Test | Final Test - Easy

Gay, Roxane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Hunger: A Memoir of (My) Body Test | Final Test - Easy

Gay, Roxane
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What problem does Gay suffer from as a result of her eating disorder?
(a) Osteoporosis.
(b) Constipation.
(c) Colitis.
(d) Heartburn.

2. What did Gay tell her parents when they tracked her down after she disappeared from Yale?
(a) That she is gay.
(b) That she had an eating disorder.
(c) That she had broken the law.
(d) That she is a victim of assault.

3. According to Gay, statistics say that what percentage of Americans are obese?
(a) 80.3%.
(b) 34.9%.
(c) 15.9%.
(d) 60.7%.

4. Why did Gay prefer men's clothing during her twenties?
(a) People were less mean to her when she worse men's clothes.
(b) Men's clothes were cheaper to buy.
(c) People told her she looked better in men's clothes.
(d) It allowed her to hide her femininity.

5. What baby animal does Gay include in her Twiiter bio?
(a) Elephant.
(b) Badger.
(c) Snake.
(d) Giraffe.

6. What is the name of one of Gay's previous books?
(a) The Wrong Way Home.
(b) My Extreme Makeover.
(c) Bad Feminist.
(d) My Overweight Life.

7. Which eating disorder did Gay struggle with?
(a) Wasting syndrome.
(b) Trichophagia.
(c) Anorexia.
(d) Bulimia.

8. What word does Gay object to that is commonly used to refer to the national spike in obesity?
(a) Pandemic.
(b) Tipping Point.
(c) Epidemic.
(d) Outrage.

9. Which celebrity does Gay criticize for her financial stake in Weight Watchers and public approach to weight loss?
(a) Kathy Bates.
(b) Ava DuVernay.
(c) Oprah Winfrey.
(d) Jennifer Lawrence.

10. When does Gay feel most comfortable at the gym?
(a) When there are classes going on.
(b) When it is most crowded.
(c) When it is least crowded.
(d) When her best friends are there.

11. What did Gay tell the crying young girl in the dressing room?
(a) Gay told her she was beautiful.
(b) She told her to ignore her mother.
(c) She told her to buy all black clothes.
(d) She told her to love herself.

12. What does Gay say is the only thing you need for writing?
(a) A keyboard.
(b) A good idea.
(c) Your imagination.
(d) A good teacher.

13. What job did Gay's male partner during her PhD years do?
(a) Logger.
(b) Professor.
(c) Engineer.
(d) Basketball player.

14. What food is the staple of Haitian meals according to Gay?
(a) Pork.
(b) Beans.
(c) Pasta.
(d) A tomato-based sauce.

15. What is the name of the TV show Gay discusses in which participants gain and then lose weight?
(a) Fit to Fat to Fit.
(b) Extreme Athletic Makeover.
(c) A Personal Trainer's Hell.
(d) Can't Stay Fat.

Short Answer Questions

1. Which magazine did Gay have to do a professional photo shoot for?

2. Where does Gay's father tell her hunger is?

3. What does Gay say her fat body allows people to erase?

4. What piece of exercise equipment sits in the corner of Gay's bedroom?

5. Which part of Gay's body is stronger as a result of her difficulty with standard-size seating?

(see the answer keys)

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