Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Humboldt's Gift Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 134 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who tells Naomi that Charlie plans to go away with Renata?
(a) Hank.
(b) Denise.
(c) George Swiebel.
(d) Maggie.

2. Who does Charlie run into during intermission at the Christmas Pageant?
(a) Mike Schneiderman.
(b) Dr. Longstaff.
(c) Dr. Klosterman.
(d) Scottie.

3. What does Charlie buy on Wacker Drive?
(a) A bulb.
(b) A toy for his daughters.
(c) A tube.
(d) A plane ticket.

4. What is Humboldt's gift?
(a) An Oldsmobile.
(b) A love letter from Kathleen.
(c) A pawn check for Oriental rugs.
(d) A treatment for a screenplay.

5. Where does the final scene in the book take place?
(a) Coney Island.
(b) The pension in Madrid.
(c) Hollywood.
(d) A cemetery.

Short Answer Questions

1. What happens to Roger while in Madrid?

2. Where does Charlie discover that Thaxter has gone to while speaking with Stewart, Thaxter's New York publisher?

3. What does Naomi ask Charlie to do in order for her to judge if he would make more sense to her now that she is older?

4. How does Renata feel about going with Charlie to see Waldemar in the nursing home?

5. What does Thaxter have to tell Charlie when they meet in the Palm Court?

Short Essay Questions

1. What is Charlie hoping to receive as he has now lived at the pension with Roger for ten weeks?

2. What thoughts does Charlie have during the intermission of a Christmas Pageant he is attending with his children?

3. As Charlie thinks about oblivion and death as being all we have to expect out of this world, what options present themselves to him in order to meet this end?

4. What are Charlie's and Julius's feelings about death?

5. Why does Charlie believe that he cannot ask Renata to accompany him and the two older men from the nursing home out to lunch?

6. How does Charlie's theory that some people have no use for their gifts and can think only of overcoming their weaknesses apply to Charlie and Humboldt?

7. What does Renata think will happen to Charlie if he goes to Texas to see Julius?

8. How does Charlie explain his relationship with Roger to people abroad?

9. Why does Charlie feel compelled to continue the work of the dead?

10. Why does Charlie begin to cry while watching the film in Paris with Rinaldo?

(see the answer keys)

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