The Human Stain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Human Stain Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 105 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What does Coleman want to do with his life once he gets out of the military?
(a) Become a poet.
(b) Go back to boxing.
(c) Get married.
(d) Become a banker.

2. What does Coleman sign on to buy from the farm in order to see Faunia every week?
(a) Corn.
(b) Milk.
(c) Wheat.
(d) Beef.

3. What did the person asking for Coleman to do poorly in school offer to help his mother?
(a) A new kitchen.
(b) A new car.
(c) A charge nurse position.
(d) A paid off mortgage.

4. What does Coleman do when he realizes that the woman from the Midwest is someone he wants to be with forever?
(a) Breaks up with her.
(b) Takes her to Sunday dinner.
(c) Proposes to her.
(d) Tells her he wants to marry her.

5. What would happen if Coleman decided to do poorly in a few classes?
(a) The other family's son would be valedictorian.
(b) He could go to Harvard.
(c) He would fail out of school.
(d) He would get a new house.

6. How old is the woman that Coleman Silk is seeing after his wife's death?
(a) 24.
(b) 18.
(c) 34.
(d) 22.

7. Who is Coleman with when he runs into Steena six years after their first love affair?
(a) Amanda.
(b) No one.
(c) Iris.
(d) Ellie.

8. What is the profession of the man who taught boxing at the Boys Club?
(a) Teacher.
(b) Dentist.
(c) Lawyer.
(d) Doctor.

9. Iris' father never married her mother because he is highly distrustful of ____________.
(a) Papers you have to sign.
(b) Iris' mother.
(c) Marriage.
(d) The government.

10. At what college did Coleman Silk teach before his hasty departure from the college?
(a) Boston University.
(b) Athena College.
(c) Harvard College.
(d) Yale.

11. On the day she died, Iris was in perfect health aside from a __________ that would not leave her alone.
(a) Tumor.
(b) Chest pain.
(c) Headache.
(d) Stomach ache.

12. The best time Faunia and Lester had together was when they were arguing and ended up _____________.
(a) Making love in the hay.
(b) Throwing manure at each other.
(c) Kissing.
(d) Breaking the stable horse.

13. What does Coleman think is helping him to feel younger and stronger, aside from Faunia?
(a) Scotch.
(b) The weed he's been smoking.
(c) Not being a Dean.
(d) Viagra.

14. What else did the person asking Coleman to do poorly in school say they would set up for Coleman?
(a) A job.
(b) An apartment.
(c) $3000 for college.
(d) A college acceptance letter.

15. To what college does Mr. Silk want his son, Coleman, to go when he is able to go to college?
(a) Yale.
(b) Howard.
(c) Harvard.
(d) Athena.

Short Answer Questions

1. Coleman thinks the Iris has the wildest _____________ of anyone he has seen.

2. Who sent the letter to Coleman that reflected on how good he looked and how mature he seemed?

3. Coleman is __________, one of the first professors on the school's staff to be so.

4. ____________ was also an abstract painter and a poet.

5. What ended up bringing Iris and Coleman closer together during their marriage?

(see the answer keys)

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