Human Croquet Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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Human Croquet Quiz | Two Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 123 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through VIII. Present: Experiments With Aliens (Cont'd.), The Art of Successful Entertaining, and Killing Time.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. What ultimatum does Eliza give Gordon?
(a) She will leave him if he does not move them out of Charlotte's house.
(b) She does not give him an ultimatum.
(c) She will leave him if he does not send Isobel to a good school.
(d) She will leave him if he does not agree to another child.

2. What lecture is boring Isobel in class?
(a) On the Civil War.
(b) On logarithms.
(c) On mitosis.
(d) On photosynthesis.

3. What is one thing Mr. Rice leaves behind when he vacates the house?
(a) His red handkerchief.
(b) His wingtips.
(c) His back scratcher.
(d) Three months of unpaid rent.

4. Who is Jodi?
(a) The name Audrey suggests for the baby.
(b) The name Isobel gives the baby.
(c) A cousin who unexpectedly arrives Christmas eve.
(d) The name Vinny gives the baby.

5. What does Vinny suspect Mr. Rice of doing?
(a) Harming one of her cats.
(b) Dropping a nail on the driveway which her tire picks up.
(c) Stealing a bottle of wine from her cellar.
(d) Being mean to the new puppy.

Short Answer Questions

1. What birthday is Isobel celebrating when this section opens?

2. Why do the Baxters call their home "Sithean"?

3. What does Isobel end up asking Audrey?

4. How does Eunice upset Isobel?

5. What is Mr. Baxter's position?

(see the answer key)

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