Huey Long Test | Final Test - Hard

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Huey Long Test | Final Test - Hard

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 short answer questions, 10 short essay questions, and 1 (of 3) essay topics.

Short Answer Questions

1. How much of their salaries were state board members required to donate to Huey's Senate election campaign?

2. Huey opposed the ratification of a treaty regarding which body of water?

3. Why were national guardsmen brought to New Orleans prior to an election?

4. What is a lame duck session in Congress?

5. What announcement did Huey make on July 15, 1930?

Short Essay Questions

1. How did Roosevelt view Huey's effect on his own re-election, and how did he try to slow Huey down?

2. What was Huey's opinion of reporters and what did he call them?

3. Was Huey always proud of the methods by which he accomplished his objectives for the people?

4. How did the people of Louisiana treat Huey when he supported a reform of the Louisiana tax system?

5. Describe some of the violence surrounding the hearing to investigate New Orleans vice.

6. What was Huey's position on seeking the office of U.S. President?

7. What was Huey's attendance record like while he served in the Senate?

8. What was the state of Huey's social life while in Washington?

9. Who was Hattie Caraway and what influence did Huey have on her political career?

10. What was the Square Deal Association and what was their position on Huey?

Essay Topics

Write an essay for ONE of the following topics:

Essay Topic 1

Discuss Huey Long during the time period covered in HUEY LONG. What were Long's ultimate plans for his life? Describe his personality? What behaviors were instilled in him that would make him a success in his later life?

Essay Topic 2

Huey Long was no stranger to hurt and pain. From what you know of Huey's life through this book, what were his biggest sorrows and worst betrayals? How did he manage through them? How did his coping skills evidence themselves in many aspects of his life? Explain.

Essay Topic 3

Personal identity is an important theme in this book. Who were some of the people in the book who had the strongest personalities? What were their personal codes? How did Huey measure up to these people? Did Huey have a personal code? If so, what was it? Explain.

(see the answer keys)

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