Huey Long Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Huey Long Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Huey's foes liked to present him as ________________.
(a) A Bolshevist.
(b) An anarchist.
(c) A bleeding heart Liberal.
(d) A lunatic.

2. Huey became an advocate for change in the area of __________________.
(a) Immigration law.
(b) Sexual harassment law.
(c) Minimum wage law.
(d) Employer's liability law.

3. Long won the right to inspect some of the books of __________________.
(a) Texaco Oil.
(b) IBM.
(c) AT&T.
(d) Standard Oil.

4. Why was Huey a long shot at winning the governor's race?
(a) He was too young.
(b) He didn't have enough media attention.
(c) He didn't have the support of the wealthy.
(d) He didn't have any legal experience.

5. What did Huey do with the money he earned from the case in #28?
(a) Traveled internationally.
(b) Invested in stock.
(c) Built a house.
(d) Bought a car.

Short Answer Questions

1. With whom did Huey have an affair?

2. In what year did Huey Long win a Senate seat?

3. To which commission did Huey win an election?

4. Who became a political foe of Long's in Washington?

5. With what major oil company did Parker broker a deal regarding taxes?

Short Essay Questions

1. Describe Huey's campaign strategies during his run for governor in 1923.

2. What types of clients did Huey represent in his Shreveport law office?

3. Summarize Huey Long's life as a U.S. Senator until his untimely death in 1935.

4. What were some of the campaign promises Huey delivered on and how did he plan to finance them?

5. What was the nature of the severance tax on which Huey and Parker disagreed?

6. What happened after Huey lost a few sales jobs and ended up broke in Memphis?

7. What personal privileges did Huey take at taxpayer expense?

8. What was Bloody Monday?

9. What impact did Huey's brother, Julius, have on Huey's life?

10. How did Huey slide into the national political scene by attending the Democratic National Convention?

(see the answer keys)

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