Huey Long Test | Final Test - Easy

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

Huey Long Test | Final Test - Easy

T. Harry Williams
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 127 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Share the Wealth Clubs were primarily formed by _____________.
(a) Negroes.
(b) Democrats.
(c) Conservatives.
(d) Liberals.

2. What organization investigated Huey and his associates?
(a) Federal Bureau of Investigation.
(b) Internal Revenue Service.
(c) Central Intelligence Agency.
(d) Ku Klux Klan.

3. In what city did Huey visit a nightclub?
(a) Miami.
(b) New York.
(c) Chicago.
(d) Los Angeles.

4. Huey opposed Roosevelt on the ratification of the ________________.
(a) World Court Treaty.
(b) Women's Voting Act.
(c) Minimum Wage Act.
(d) The New Deal.

5. What was the main purpose of Huey's newspaper?
(a) A propaganda vehicle.
(b) To provide progress reports.
(c) To get him elected to the Senate.
(d) A fundraising vehicle.

6. Who did Huey hire for a position at Louisiana State University (LSU), even though the school already had one?
(a) A football coach.
(b) A basketball coach.
(c) A soccer coach.
(d) A band director.

7. How much of his/her salary did state employees have to pay to fund Huey's newspaper?
(a) 3%.
(b) 10%.
(c) 20%.
(d) 5%.

8. For whom did Huey campaign in the Presidential election?
(a) William Howard Taft.
(b) Lyndon Johnson.
(c) Franklin D. Roosevelt.
(d) Dwight D. Eisenhower.

9. What was Huey's important issue during his early days in the Senate?
(a) Civil Rights.
(b) Wealth redistribution.
(c) Social Security.
(d) Medicare.

10. What was the name of the militant anti-Long group?
(a) Too Long Now.
(b) Square Deal Association.
(c) Kings of Destiny.
(d) Phooey on Huey.

11. On what date was Huey sworn in as Senator in Washington?
(a) January 15, 1932.
(b) April 15, 1932.
(c) January 1, 1932.
(d) March 3, 1932.

12. Who was the only Louisiana reporter Huey would talk to?
(a) Ed Beasley.
(b) Willie Stark.
(c) Charlie Boulanger.
(d) Charles Frampton.

13. Huey refused to give the position of _________________ to his brother, Earl.
(a) Lieutenant Governor.
(b) Finance Director.
(c) Campaign Manager.
(d) Secretary of State.

14. Why was Huey's demeanor regarding LSU?
(a) Vengeful.
(b) Antagonistic.
(c) Watchful.
(d) Interfering.

15. Huey would only talk to reporters from __________________.
(a) Shreveport.
(b) Atlanta.
(c) Out-of-state papers.
(d) Baton Rouge.

Short Answer Questions

1. At this point in time, Huey was viewed by many as being _________________.

2. Huey was the first to use _______________ in a campaign.

3. Huey was also classified as ______________________.

4. After the impeachment hearings, Huey became characterized as ________________.

5. Which of the following was NOT a program that Huey supported?

(see the answer keys)

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