The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where do Huck and Tom obtain a wire rat trap?
(a) They steal it from the village shop.
(b) They find it in the shed.
(c) They buy it in the village.
(d) They find it on the rubbish pile.

2. What time is it when the boys become too tired to carry on?
(a) Around midnight.
(b) Four in the morning.
(c) Supper-time.
(d) Two in the morning.

3. Why is Huck "mighty thankful to the old doctor"?
(a) Because he spoke up for Jim.
(b) Because he didn't amputate Tom's leg.
(c) For listening to what Jim had to say.
(d) For helping to hide Tom from the men and dogs.

4. Why does Huck think he has no money left?
(a) Judge Thatcher has not invested it wisely.
(b) His father has probably stolen it.
(c) He's had to pay for damage to the steam-boat that ran over the raft.
(d) He imagines his father has obtained the money from Judge Thatcher and spent it all on drink.

5. Which characters are dreadfully blue and desperate in Chapter 31?
(a) The King and the Duke.
(b) Jim and the Duke.
(c) The King and Huck.
(d) Huck and Mary Jane.

6. Why is Silas Phelps scared?
(a) He thinks something dreadful has happened to the boat.
(b) He thinks he has an illness.
(c) He has been to the Nonsuch and doesn't want Sally to find out.
(d) He has received a stern letter from his bank manager.

7. What suggests that Jim is only playing along with the two boys in their outrageous escape plan?
(a) He can unshackle himself at will.
(b) He has told another slave about the escapade.
(c) He threatens to leave if he has to put himself in physical danger.
(d) He humors them by going along with the silly, romantic nonsense.

8. Why is Aunt Sally cross in Chapter 37?
(a) She can't find a shirt belonging to Uncle Silas.
(b) She can't find her apron.
(c) Nobody remembered to chop wood.
(d) The stove has gone out.

9. Who built Silas Phelps' church?
(a) He raised money in the village.
(b) He obtained funds from the Unitarians.
(c) He had the building floated in from Baton Rouge.
(d) He built it himself.

10. How does Jim receive his food while in captivity?
(a) On a trencher made with fried bread.
(b) On a tin plate.
(c) On a salver.
(d) On a pan.

11. What doesn't Tom Sawyer like about Huck's plan for releasing Jim?
(a) It is too complicated.
(b) It will result in too much noise.
(c) It is dangerous.
(d) It is too simple.

12. What does the Duke threaten to do to the King if he lies again?
(a) To tar and feather him.
(b) To strip him and push him overboard.
(c) To drown him.
(d) To take his whiskey away from him.

13. With the case-knives not working, what does Tom then choose for digging tools?
(a) Hoes.
(b) Picks.
(c) Rakes.
(d) Spades.

14. According to Tom, what is the problem with Jim's captivity?
(a) Difficulties have to be invented.
(b) Getting past the other slaves.
(c) Getting across the moat.
(d) Difficulties could make it impossible to achieve.

15. According to Huck, what delayed his steamer?
(a) It blew a cylinder head.
(b) It had to circle around to pick up a passenger who'd fallen overboard.
(c) It ran aground.
(d) It was held up by bad weather.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 37, what does Uncle Silas promise to do next day?

2. In Chapter 32, who does Huck say gave him breakfast?

3. What is Tom's reaction when he hears that there are men with guns after the gang?

4. For Huck, what is the effect of the farmers' visits and Aunt Sally's questions?

5. Where does Tom leave an anonymous letter?

(see the answer keys)

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