The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 160 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Where does Tom leave an anonymous letter?
(a) Under Aunt Sally's pillow.
(b) Sticking out from the front doormat.
(c) At the back of the neck of a sleeping slave.
(d) In the fist of a sleeping slave.

2. How soon do the King and the Duke make up their quarrel in Chapter 30?
(a) They don't: they become sworn enemies.
(b) In an hour.
(c) In half an hour.
(d) By next morning.

3. What are the clues that there is someone in the ash hopper?
(a) Aunt Sally keeps looking at the place to check.
(b) People tip-toe by there.
(c) There is a lock on the door and someone can be heard wailing.
(d) There's a lock on the door and watermelon is taken in there at suppertime.

4. According to Huck, what delayed his steamer?
(a) It blew a cylinder head.
(b) It had to circle around to pick up a passenger who'd fallen overboard.
(c) It ran aground.
(d) It was held up by bad weather.

5. How does Tom arrive back at the Phelps farm in Chapter 42?
(a) Carried on a mattress.
(b) In a cart.
(c) On horseback.
(d) In a wheelchair.

6. How does Huck describe the Spanish moss he sees?
(a) "Like long green beards."
(b) "Like long gray beards."
(c) "Like prayer shawls."
(d) "Like lonely nuns."

7. Where do Huck and Tom obtain a wire rat trap?
(a) They steal it from the village shop.
(b) They buy it in the village.
(c) They find it on the rubbish pile.
(d) They find it in the shed.

8. Why isn't Jim able to sleep in Chapter 39?
(a) He is disturbed by the animals' activity.
(b) Huck and Tom make too much noise.
(c) He is afraid of witches.
(d) He is excited about escaping.

9. Which character leaves the raft to check out Pikesville?
(a) Jim.
(b) Huck.
(c) The Duke.
(d) The King.

10. Which animal does Tom suggest Jim might tame?
(a) A rattlesnake.
(b) A rat.
(c) A large spider.
(d) A dog.

11. In Chapter 30, what do the King and the Duke accuse each other of doing?
(a) Hiding the money in the coffin.
(b) Flirting with Mary Jane.
(c) Trying to escape with the money.
(d) Trying to drown Huck,

12. What sociable activity do Jim and the boys share in Chapter 36?
(a) Eating.
(b) Smoking corncob pipes.
(c) Chewing tobacco and telling stories.
(d) Telling stories.

13. Why can't Tom get back up the lightning rod?
(a) His hands are too sore.
(b) There's danger he might be seen.
(c) The lightning rod is cold and slippery.
(d) Huck broke it.

14. With the case-knives not working, what does Tom then choose for digging tools?
(a) Rakes.
(b) Spades.
(c) Picks.
(d) Hoes.

15. What does the Duke threaten to do to the King if he lies again?
(a) To drown him.
(b) To take his whiskey away from him.
(c) To strip him and push him overboard.
(d) To tar and feather him.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 32, who does Huck say gave him breakfast?

2. Where will Huck be able to find Jim?

3. What is the problem with Jim keeping a journal?

4. Who is the stranger from Hicksville?

5. Why does Huck say in Chapter 32 that he needs to make a trip to town?

(see the answer keys)

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