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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.
Multiple Choice Questions
1. When the King questions him in Chapter 27, what lie does Huck tell?
(a) He claims to have seen Jim and Mary Jane talking to a strange man in a yellow coat.
(b) He claims that 'the niggers were in the King's room'.
(c) He claims that the undertaken sneaked into the King's room just before the funeral.
(d) He claims that Joanna and Susan were in the King's room.
2. Whose idea of the after-life does Huck favor?
(a) Tom Sawyer's.
(b) Miss Watson's.
(c) The widow's.
(d) His father's.
3. Which alias does the Duke adopt for the performance?
(a) An actor called Thoman Kean the incredible.
(b) An actor called Billie Langtry.
(c) An actor called David Garrick the Elder.
(d) An actor called David Garrick the Younger.
4. What was Peter Wilks's occupation?
(a) Doctor.
(b) Printer.
(c) Tanner.
(d) Baker.
5. Where does Huck take refuge during the gunfight after Sophia's elopement?
(a) In Emeline's bedroom.
(b) In a tree.
(c) Under the wood heap.
(d) In his canoe.
6. Why is his father annoyed with Huck in Chapter 5?
(a) Huck put his money where his father couldn't get it.
(b) Huck is too friendly with Jim.
(c) Huck is not progressing quickly enough at school.
(d) He doesn't like Huck's airs, nor does he like Huck being educated.
7. In his stories, what does Jim tell people about his five-cent piece?
(a) Miss Watson gave it to him.
(b) He stole it from the Devil.
(c) The Devil gave it to him.
(d) He found it under a tree.
8. Why does Huck take a canoe up a 'chute' in Chapter 19?
(a) To steal a chicken.
(b) To evade Pappy.
(c) To find Jim.
(d) To find some berries.
9. What is the source of the commotion in the cellar in Chapter 27?
(a) A drunken mourner has raided a wine barrell.
(b) The King and the Duke fighting over the money.
(c) A dog that has found a rat.
(d) A dog has baled up a runaway slave.
10. How does Huck's practical joke on Jim backfire?
(a) Jim is so angry that he attacks Huck.
(b) Jim turns the tables by putting live coals in Huck's bed.
(c) Jim is bitten by an actual snake.
(d) Huck is bitten by a rattlesnake.
11. Why are loaves of bread floating down the river?
(a) An angry chef has thrown loaves of bread from a river steamer.
(b) People believe bread dabbed with quicksilver will float to a corpse.
(c) A bread cart has fallen off a bridge.
(d) People believe bread thrown in the water will prevent more drownings.
12. What does Huck call "the horriblest looking outrage I ever see"?
(a) The King and the Duke buying clothes with their swindled money.
(b) Jim dressed up and painted as a sick Arab.
(c) Jim begging to be tied up again.
(d) Slaves being beaten by a cruel overseer.
13. Where does Huck hide the money in Chapter 27?
(a) Under Peter's bed.
(b) In Joanna's room.
(c) In Peter's coffin.
(d) On the raft.
14. How did Tom and Huck become rich?
(a) They were given $6,000 for handing over a runaway slave.
(b) Huck's father left him $6,000.
(c) They recovered $6,000 in gold.
(d) Tom's father lent him $6,000.
15. Why do Huck and Jim find themselves riding the river through thick fog in Chapter 15?
(a) They are embarking on a new adventure and want to take risks.
(b) The sapling they use as a mooring is not strong enough to hold the raft.
(c) The fog has come down too suddenly for them to get to shore.
(d) The mooring rope has been lost.
Short Answer Questions
1. What action does Jim fear will bring bad luck?
2. Why is Huck pleased he chose to hide behind the curtain and not under the bed in Chapter 26?
3. How does Huck escape from the cabin he has been locked in for three days?
4. Which people did Huck and Tom intend to ambush?
5. Why isn't Lawyer Bell present in Chapter 25?
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