How I Learned to Drive Test | Final Test - Medium

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How I Learned to Drive Test | Final Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Li'l Bit offers to meet with Peck once a week to talk, as long as he agrees to what?
(a) Not touch her.
(b) Not drink.
(c) Let her pick the place.
(d) Let her drive.

2. What does the boy, who asks Li'l Bit to dance, grow up to be?
(a) A race car driver.
(b) A truck driver.
(c) A gynecologist.
(d) A millionaire.

3. What year is the scene in the basement?
(a) 1967.
(b) 1966.
(c) 1965.
(d) 1964.

4. What does Li'l Bit talk to the audience about after the dance?
(a) Driving.
(b) The personal space of a male.
(c) Boys.
(d) The problems of adolescent girls.

5. Sometimes Li'l Bit seeks Peck as what?
(a) A free spirit.
(b) A soldier.
(c) Flying Dutchman.
(d) Wise uncle.

Short Answer Questions

1. Li'l Bit writes to Peck in 1969 and tells him not to visit her. What date does this happen?

2. How old is Peck in the hotel room scene?

3. How many glasses of champagne does Li'l Bit drink in the hotel room?

4. What does Peck start to drink when Li'l Bit starts with the champagne?

5. What smells does Li'l Bit describe to the audience after leaving the dance?

(see the answer keys)

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