How I Learned to Drive Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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How I Learned to Drive Test | Mid-Book Test - Medium

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 5 multiple choice questions, 5 short answer questions, and 10 short essay questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who says that Boy Scouts are horny?
(a) Peck.
(b) Li'l Bit.
(c) Lit's Bit's mother.
(d) Grandma.

2. Peck encouraged Li'l Bit to have a drink. What does she order?
(a) Dead Man Screw.
(b) Martini.
(c) Daiquiri.
(d) Gin and tonic.

3. Peck says that Li'l Bit knows the car inside and out in what length of time?
(a) Seven hours.
(b) Five days.
(c) Six weekends.
(d) Four weeks.

4. Where does Peck serve during the war?
(a) Stays in the U.S.
(b) In Germany.
(c) In France.
(d) In the Pacific Theater.

5. What is serious business to Peck?
(a) Driving a car.
(b) Having sex.
(c) Serving in the military.
(d) Spending time with Li'l Bit.

Short Answer Questions

1. What time of day and season is it when the first scene begins?

2. How fast can Peck's favorite car go from 0 to 60?

3. When Li'l Bit is born, who is able to hold her in an outstretched hand?

4. When does Li'l Bit begin moving away from the Men, Sex, and Women scene?

5. What does Peck compare Li'l Bit's breasts to?

Short Essay Questions

1. During the hotel room scene, what does Li'l Bit do with the champagne?

2. Describe Greg, the boy who asks Li'l Bit to dance.

3. If you didn't know the ages of Li'l Bit and Peck in the first scene, who acts more like the adult and who acts more like the child?

4. Why does Li'l Bit not want to be called by that name any longer in the family dinner scene?

5. Describe the waiter's response to Peck in the restaurant in 1968.

6. Peck talks Li'l Bit into lying beside him in the bed, promising nothing happens. Li'l Bit agrees. How does this make her feel?

7. Who is Li'l Bit's cousin and what is his name?

8. How do Peck and Li'l Bit define Peck being good?

9. Describe Big Papa.

10. What purpose does the Greek Chorus serve in "How I Learned to Drive"?

(see the answer keys)

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