How I Learned to Drive Test | Final Test - Easy

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How I Learned to Drive Test | Final Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Who portrays Aunt Mary throughout the play?
(a) Female Greek Chorus.
(b) The actor who portrays the grandmother too.
(c) Male Greek Chorus.
(d) Teen Greek Chorus.

2. Aunt Mary is counting the days until what happens?
(a) Peck retires.
(b) Li'l Bit leaves for college.
(c) She can quit her job.
(d) She and her husband move to Florida.

3. As she drinks champagne, what does Li'l Bit confess to being worried about?
(a) Flunking out of school.
(b) Being pregnant.
(c) A problem with alcohol.
(d) Being in love.

4. What does Peck wear while he's doing the dishes after the holiday dinner?
(a) Nice shirt and pants with apron.
(b) Suit without the tie.
(c) Casual clothing.
(d) Suit, tie, nice pants, apron.

5. Who does Li'l Bit not want knowing about her weekly meetings with Peck?
(a) Her teachers.
(b) Her grandparents.
(c) Her mother and Aunt Mary.
(d) The kids at school.

6. What does the boy, who asks Li'l Bit to dance, grow up to be?
(a) A gynecologist.
(b) A race car driver.
(c) A millionaire.
(d) A truck driver.

7. Sometimes Li'l Bit seeks Peck as what?
(a) A soldier.
(b) Wise uncle.
(c) A free spirit.
(d) Flying Dutchman.

8. How does Li'l Bit propose to draw the line in meeting with Peck weekly?
(a) Only meeting with him in public.
(b) By telling her mother where she's going.
(c) Bring friends with her.
(d) Keeping a certain distance from each other.

9. How many times is Li'l Bit asked to dance at the sock hop?
(a) Four.
(b) One.
(c) Three.
(d) Two.

10. How does Peck explain why he drinks?
(a) Sometimes it helps the fire within.
(b) Alcohol helps him sleep at night.
(c) Alcohol helps his marriage.
(d) He has a disease.

11. What boy fakes a fainting attack in order to get close to Li'l Bit?
(a) Steve.
(b) Greg.
(c) Mark.
(d) Jerome.

12. Li'l Bit tells Peck that she misses him when he doesn't appear for what family holiday dinner?
(a) New Years.
(b) Christmas.
(c) Easter.
(d) Thanksgiving.

13. A slide montage is seen during the basement scene. What do the photos show?
(a) Cars.
(b) Women.
(c) Couples.
(d) Naked women only.

14. Who mentions bedroom eyes?
(a) Aunt Mary.
(b) Male Greek Chorus.
(c) Li'l Bit.
(d) Teen Greek Chorus.

15. Who watches Li'l Bit with her classmates at the dance from outside of the scene?
(a) Big Papa.
(b) Peck.
(c) Grandmother.
(d) Mother.

Short Answer Questions

1. Who is in the Philadelphia hotel room?

2. When does the scene of Peck doing the dishes occur?

3. How long does it take Peck to drink himself to death?

4. According to his wife, Peck has troubles due to what?

5. What kind of champagne does Peck buy to celebrate Li'l Bit's 18th birthday?

(see the answer keys)

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