How I Learned to Drive Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

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How I Learned to Drive Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Li'l Bit tells Peck they have to go because what is happening the next morning?
(a) She's leaving for college.
(b) Graduation rehearsal.
(c) Wedding rehearsal.
(d) Finals at school.

2. Li'l Bit becomes embarrassed when family members talk and joke about her breasts. Who tries to change the subject?
(a) Peck.
(b) Aunt Mary.
(c) B.B.
(d) Mother.

3. What are Peck and Li'l Bit celebrating at the special 1968 dinner?
(a) Graduating from high school.
(b) Getting a scholarship to college.
(c) Getting her driver's license.
(d) Her first job.

4. What does the parking lot overlook?
(a) Peck's home.
(b) The Beltsville Agricultural Farms.
(c) The Department of Agriculture office.
(d) Li'l Bit's school.

5. Where does Peck want Li'l Bit's attention during her driving lesson?
(a) The road.
(b) The radio.
(c) On him.
(d) Adjusting the car mirrors.

6. As the lights dim, what announcement does "How I Learned to Drive" open with?
(a) Li'l Bit taking about secrets.
(b) An introduction of the characters.
(c) Safety first - You and Driver Education.
(d) The title of the work.

7. The male Greek chorus interacts with Peck and Li'l Bit in what way during their special dinner?
(a) As Big Papa.
(b) As a police officer.
(c) As a waiter.
(d) As a soldier.

8. What is Peck's favorite car?
(a) '55 Bel Air.
(b) '58 Rambler.
(c) '56 Bel Air Sports Coupe.
(d) '60 Corvette.

9. What does the night of the first scene make a middle-aged man with a mortgage feel like?
(a) An old man.
(b) A frisky young man.
(c) A country boy.
(d) A kid.

10. What does Grandma blame for her crippled shoulders?
(a) Never having a decent bra.
(b) Old age.
(c) Childbirth.
(d) Big Papa.

11. Li'l Bit's cousin's nickname is what?
(a) Bubba.
(b) Big Bobby.
(c) B.B.
(d) R.R.

12. What represents the car in the first scene?
(a) A car windshield.
(b) Two people standing with knees bent.
(c) Two chairs facing forward.
(d) A cardboard cutout that looks like a car.

13. What kind of car does Li'l Bit drive around in during the Nixon recession?
(a) 1960 coupe.
(b) 1965 Mustang.
(c) 1968 VW Beetle.
(d) 1969 Corvette.

14. Who does Big Papa vote for?
(a) George McGovern.
(b) Lyndon Johnson.
(c) Richard Nixon.
(d) George Wallace.

15. Who is waiting for Big Papa with a broom?
(a) Aunt Lily.
(b) Mother.
(c) Grandma.
(d) Li'l Bit.

Short Answer Questions

1. Grandma calls her husband a big bull. The characters report that he wants sex how often?

2. What is the Li'l Bit's family eating at the family dinner scene?

3. How old is Li'l Bit in the first scene?

4. How fast can Peck's favorite car go from 0 to 60?

5. Who tells Peck, "this isn't right," about what Peck and Li'l Bit are doing?

(see the answer keys)

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