How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How We Survived Communism and Even Laughed Quiz | Four Week Quiz A

This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 108 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This quiz consists of 5 multiple choice and 5 short answer questions through Chapter 6: A Doll that Grew Old and Chapter 7: Forward to the Past.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. Why did Slavenka visit East Berlin in "A Doll that Grew Old"?
(a) To visit a prison.
(b) To shop.
(c) To visit a friend.
(d) To take pictures.

2. Slavenka raised her daughter to be a what?
(a) Snob.
(b) Socialist.
(c) Feminist.
(d) Fashion model.

3. What things did Slavenka's family adapt to using in the 1970's?
(a) Bathing.
(b) All of these.
(c) Washing their hands.
(d) Brushing their teeth.

4. What trendy look was Slavenka disgusted by when it appeared in Cosmopolitan magazine?
(a) Bright blue eyeshadow and mascara.
(b) Metallic make-up.
(c) Natural make-up.
(d) Platinum hair and red lipstick.

5. During the Communist regime, what did the girls in Eastern Europe have trouble playing with?
(a) Guns.
(b) Dolls.
(c) Boys.
(d) Jacks.

Short Answer Questions

1. What city shocked Slavenka with its variety of food?

2. What did Slavenka's daughter admire about America?

3. When Communism fell, what did the women in Eastern Europe try to do?

4. As a child, what affliction did Slavenka suffer from on a trip to Italy?

5. Due to a Communist mind-set, what did Tanja lack?

(see the answer key)

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