How We Fight For Our Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Saeed Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.

How We Fight For Our Lives Test | Mid-Book Test - Easy

Saeed Jones
This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 152 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials.
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This test consists of 15 multiple choice questions and 5 short answer questions.

Multiple Choice Questions

1. In Chapter 6, what play does Jones and his class see in high school?
(a) Rent.
(b) The Laramie Project.
(c) Persephone.
(d) Angels in America.

2. What is Jones surprised about regarding the items he, Cody and Sam take from the hut in the woods?
(a) How decent the food tastes.
(b) How glamorous the magazine spreads look.
(c) How strong the drugs are.
(d) How dirty the bottles of water are.

3. In Chapter 8, what does Jones notice sitting in a Ziploc back on his mother's nightstand at the hospital?
(a) Her diary.
(b) Her phone.
(c) Her watch.
(d) The nightdress she always wore.

4. In Chapter 7, what job does Jones apply for that is met with a rejection?
(a) Re-shelving books at the library.
(b) Waiting tables.
(c) Long-term caregiving for the elderly.
(d) Working at McDonald's.

5. In Chapter 7, what does Jones do for most of his time at the public library?
(a) Eat snacks.
(b) Write letters to editors.
(c) Apply to colleges.
(d) Use the computers for adult content.

6. In Chapter 8, what is one activity Jones and his mother do together to try to help with his problems related to going to college?
(a) They do Buddhist chants at the altar.
(b) They get new jobs.
(c) They pray together at a Catholic church.
(d) They ask Jones' grandmother for a loan.

7. In Chapter 8, what do Jones's mother's friends take him to see?
(a) A X-rated movie.
(b) Professional wrestling.
(c) The musical Rent.
(d) His first drag show.

8. In Chapter 1, what does Jones find tucked into a novel of his mother's that interests him?
(a) A note from his father, who he never knew.
(b) A grocery list with strange items on it.
(c) A photo of his mother as a young girl.
(d) A photo of a young, attractive black man.

9. In Chapter 8, what university ends up offering Jones a full scholarship for attendance there?
(a) American University.
(b) New York University.
(c) Columbia University.
(d) Western Kentucky University.

10. In Chapter 4, what kind of new church does Jones's grandmother start attending when he is about 13?
(a) Evangelical.
(b) Unitarian.
(c) Mormon.
(d) Methodist.

11. In Chapter 1, what book does Jones begin that he comes to love?
(a) Beloved.
(b) The Invisible Man.
(c) Another Country.
(d) The Bluest Eye.

12. In Chapter 8, who does Jones go to New York City with when he is a child?
(a) His father.
(b) His grandfather.
(c) His mother, grandmother, and cousins.
(d) His mother's friends.

13. In Chapter 7, what does the man next to Jones at the library computer terminal ask him about what he is looking at?
(a) Whether his father knows he is looking at these sites.
(b) Whether he is "into that."
(c) Whether his mother knows he is looking at these sites.
(d) Whether he knows that God can see what he is doing.

14. Where does Jones's mother work in Chapter 1?
(a) City Hall.
(b) McDonald's.
(c) A law office.
(d) The airport.

15. What job did Jones's mother work at for a brief time during her twenties?
(a) Fashion model.
(b) Waitress.
(c) Mechanic.
(d) Paralegal.

Short Answer Questions

1. In Chapter 8, how does Jones travel to the university that offers him the scholarship?

2. In Chapter 8, how does Jones feel after telling his mother about his scholarship to college?

3. Where is Chapter 1 set?

4. In Chapter 5, what does Jones write that you never forget the first instance of?

5. In Chapter 9, who does Jones's mother sometimes call out for in her sleep?

(see the answer keys)

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